"Percy Jackson..." Chapter 4
"Percy Jackson..." Chapter 5
ELA Potpourri
Character / Characterization

It's the reason why the minotaur couldn't locate Percy, his mother, and Grover after their car crashed into the ditch DESPITE being within 50 feet of their location.  

The minotaur doesn't have good eyesight.  He relies mostly on his sense of smell to locate his victims. 


It's Percy's real name? Coincidentally, it's the name of the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. _______ beheaded the gorgon Medusa and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus.




Chiron is the true name of the centaur, Mr. Brunner. He is famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. 

Q: What luxury car brand also uses the name "Chiron" for one of it's vehicles? Hint: It's Italian.



Read and answer: 

"Robert hated the show that was on TV. He wanted to change it badly. He looked around the room for the TV controller. It was all the way across the room. "Ugh," he groaned. Then Robert sighed and kept watching the show that he hated."

Which sentence BEST defines/describes Robert's personality?

"Then Robert sighed and kept watching the show that he hated."

This sentence shows that Robert is lazy to the point of unnecessarily suffering. 


The chapter titles, "I Play Pinocle with a Horse", "My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting", and "I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher" are all examples of foreshadowing because _______________.

Each title hints at a CENTRAL EVENT that takes place in that particular chapter.


Percy initially thought that Gabe's car had exploded as they fled Montauk.  However, that was not the case. The car did NOT explode, it __________. 

The car was struck by lightning.


Mr. D, the director of the half-blood "summer camp" where Percy is rescued, is actually the God _____________. 

Dionysus the *god of wine


What famous Philadelphia building / landmark takes it's architectural inspiration from the ancient greek Parthenon?

The Philadelphia Museum of Art


Which of the following BEST defines the term: character traits?

a) the technique(s) that author's use to create a character in a story

b) a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story

c) individual qualities or attributes that make up a person's overall persona

d) the best, most relatable qualities of a character

d) individual qualities or attributes that make up a person's overall persona


We all know that FORESHADOWING is when the author provides hints at what's going to happen next in the story, but WHY does the author do that?  Eg: what is the main purpose of the author using FORESHADOWING as a literary device?  

To build TENSION within the narrative.


Percy assumes that Grover is part [this animal] when he encounters him in chapter 4.  Subsequently, Grover becomes annoyed by Percy's assumption. In response, Grover bleats and informs Percy that any other Satyr would, "trample him underhoof for such an insult." (45)

Percy assumes that Grover is a donkey.


Mr. Brunner, Percy's Latin teacher at Yancy Academy is actually Chiron.  Chiron is what kind of mythical creature?

Chiron is a centaur. Half man, half horse.


The minotaur is actually the child of Pasiphae, the wife of Minos, and a snow-white bull sent to Minos by the god Poseidon. Because Minos did NOT want to _________ the bull as he was instructed, Poseidon as a punishment, made Pasiphae fall in love with it. Subsequently, Pasiphae and the bull made a baby, which became the minotaur.

sacrifice (ritual killing)


Read and answer: 

The commander looked at the men. They were scared. He couldn't lie to them. "We need a man to get to the top of that hill. It's very dangerous. You may not come back. Any volunteers?" It was quiet for some time. Finally, Jamal spoke up, "I can do it."

Which character trait best describes Jamal AND which sentence(s) BEST reveals the character trait you've identified?

Jamal is BRAVE (selfless, intrepid, foolhardy) and the sentence that reveal that is *the last one. 

"Finally, Jamal spoke up, "I can do it."


In the opening scenes of a western movie, the good guy enters a bar, has a drink and leaves. The bad guy scowls (eg: makes an angry face) and spits on the floor.

Which event is MOST LIKELY going to happen, given what we know about FORESHADOWING and narratives? 

(a) the good guy will take down the bad guy 

(b) the good guy and bad guy are going to experience a conflict at some point

(c) the bad guy is going to kill the good guy 

(d) the story will ultimately have a happy ending

(b) the good guy and bad guy are going to experience a conflict at some point


It's the "impromptu" weapon that Percy acquired during his battle with the minotaur.  He uses this weapon to defeat the minotaur.

The minotaur's sharpened horn.


Who sent Mr. D to "Half Blood Hill" AND describe the reason why "Mr. D" was sent there?  

Mr. D was sent to "Half Blood Hill" by his father, Zeus. He was sent there as a punishment for "falling for" a wood nymph who was declared "off-limits".


In this class, we used a clip from the famous 1999 film, _______________ to demonstrate how foreshadowing is used in movies.  The clip we used shows the character Morpheus propositioning the character, Neo with the choice of either taking a red or blue pill.

Mr. Smith will forever be red pill!

"The Matrix"


Writers use characters to perform the actions in a story and speak dialogue, which moves the story along a __________ line.  Hint: it can be considered the "foundation" of ANY story.  It's what makes a story "GO".



Which of the following is NOT an example of FORESHADOWING? 

(A) I am going to tell you about what happened on the camping trip shortly but first I must tell you where we went.

(B) Louise was really angry, and I’ll tell you why in a moment, she was so mad that she punched Andrew in the nose.

(C) This is the third time Reggie has lost an accounting job.  He needs to do better.

(D) The most terrible thing happened on that stormy night, the war between evil and good had begun.

(C) This is the third time Reggie has lost an accounting job.  He needs to do better.

*Think about it... which of the choices does NOT build tension?


Instead of "disintegrating" into a "flash of golden light" (55), the minotaur turned into ____________ when he was defeated. 

crumbling sand


When we encounter Mr. D in chapter 5, he is being punished by his father, Zeus.  Part of his punishment is NOT being allowed to consume alcohol.  So, when a glass of wine suddenly appears, Mr. Brunner (Chiron) grumbles. Subsequently: the wine glass turns into __________ as a result of Mr. D's punishment.

A can of diet Coke


Greek Gods all have an equivalent god in this ancient, European culture.  For example: the greek god Zeus is known as Jupiter; Aphrodite is known as Venus; and Ares is known as Mars in this ancient culture.  



What are the 5 criteria (categories) that author's use when they construct a character via characterization?

1) describe the character's physical appearance 

2) describe the character's actions

3) describe the character's thoughts and feelings 

4) describe what others think about the character 

5) show what the characters says


[PARAGRAPH #1] Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her mother. Her mother asked her to take her old and lonely grandmother some food one day. “Don’t stop along the way. Go straight to your Grandma’s house and back. Don’t talk to any strangers and watch out for the wolf in the woods! Now get along!”

[PARAGRAPH #2] The wolf went up to Little Red Riding Hood and told her that he knew a shortcut. Little Red Riding Hood thought back to what her mother told her. “Don’t talk to any strangers and watch out for the wolf in the woods!” But it was too late, she had already listened to the wolf’s directions.

Paragraph #1 contains an example of foreshadowing.  However, paragraph #2 does not.  

Q: Paragraph #2 contains what literary element that is closely related to foreshadowing?  Hint: When you think about it, _______ is kinda the opposite of foreshadowing.
