The Sea of Monsters is off the coast of which U.S state?
What is Florida?
What animals attacked Percy and the whole camp during the chariot races?
What are Stymphallian Birds?
What is the name of the school Percy goes to?
What is Merriweather Prep?
What did Percy and his friends travel to the Sea of Monsters for?
What is the Golden Fleece?
Who tricked Percy into drinking a special drink that turned him into a guinea pig?
Who is C.C. or Circe?
What type of sheep were at the top of Polyphemus's hill?
What are man-eating sheep?
Where did Percy go with a pack of coke in the beginning of the book?
What is the beach?
What ship did Clarisse La Rue arrive on to save Percy and his friends from the Hydra?
What is the CSS Birmingham?
What is the name of Luke Castellan's sword?
What is Backbiter?
Who gave Percy the gifts before he took the quest? What did he receive?
Who is Hermes? What is Vitamins, Thermos, and Cash?
What animal from the book can regrow itself after being pierced by Percy's sword?
What are Hydra?
Percy and his friends visit this place every year
What is Camp Half-Blood?
What is the name of the weapon that Percy received in the first Percy Jackson book?
What is Riptide?
Who is the author of Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters?
Who is Rick Riordan?
What attacked Percy at his school in the beginning of the book?
What are Laestryonians?
Percy travels here to save Grover and retrieve the Golden Fleece
What is The Sea Of Monsters?
This is named after the Greek hero Perseus' wife
What is the Princess Andromeda?
What did the Laestrygonians throw at Percy at Merriweather Prep?
What are Flaming Dodgeballs made with Celestial Bronze?
Who is the Camp Director? (As of the beginning of the book)
Who is Tantalus?
What tries to eat Percy and his friends on the CCS Birmingham while trying to pass through the Sea of Monsters?
What is Charybdis?
Where is the Sea Of Monsters in the mortal worlds?
What is Miami, or Bermuda Triangle?
What did Luke poison Thalia's tree with?