How many mitzvos did Hashem give to the children of Noach?
Hashem set up a bris with......
Noach, his sons, all living things and all future generations.
What is an Os?
A sign
What did Noach plant?
A vineyard.
What is the shoresh that means "get up/set up"?
Which two things are we not allowed to eat?
1) An animal that is still alive
2) The blood of an animal
Hashem promised that he will not....
bring another mabul to destroy the world.
What is the os?
A rainbow.
What 2 things happened to Noach after he drank from the wine?
He became drunk and uncovered.
What is the shoresh of the word נָתַתִּי?
If a person killed someone and nobody saw it happen how will the murderer get punished?
Hashem will punish him.
What did Hashem give to show that he made a promise?
An os - a sign
Where does Hashem put the rainbow?
In a cloud
Who saw Noach when he was uncovered and what did he do?
Cham saw Noach and he told his two brothers who were outside.
What is the shoresh that means "make many or multiply"?
We are not allowed to hurt other people. We are also not allowed to hurt ____________ because _________________________.
When does Hashem show the sign?
When Hashem wants to bring a mabul to the world because of aveiros that people are doing.
What are we supposed to do when we see a rainbow?
Do teshuvah.
What was the curse that Cham got?
He will be a slave to his brothers.
What does שתה mean?
List the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach.
Sing the song
What is the bracha that we make on a rainbow?
.....zocher habris v'ne'eman briso v'kayam b'ma'amaro.
What does Hashem remember when He puts a rainbow in the clouds?
His promise to never bring another mabul.
What was the berachos of Shem and Yefes?
Shem - One of his descendants will build the Bais Hamikdash and the shechinah of Hashem will be in it.
Yefes- He will be a great Empire.
What is the shoresh of the word וַיָשִׂימוּ and what does it mean?
The shoresh is שומ and it means put or place.