The prime numbers that result from Mp=2^n-1, n being prime, is called...
Mersenne Primes
Who wrote Proposition 36 of Book IX?
True or False: Euler successfully proved that all odd perfect numbers must follow the form (4n+1)4k+1b2.
False; there are no known odd perfect numbers to prove
Is 72 a perfect number?
A perfect number is a number that can be written as the ______ of two integers.
_______ ______ was written around 300 B.C. and included the first recorded result about perfect numbers.
Euclid's Elements
True or False: Perfect numbers will always be prime numbers that satisfy 2n-1.
Is 48 an abundant or deficient number?
An ______ ______, n, is a number where the proper quotients have a sum greater than n.
Abundant number
Perfect numbers (studied by Pythagoras and his followers) were thought to have what type of properties?
Fill in the blank: All known perfect numbers end in ___ or ___.
List the proper quotients of 96.
_____ _______ is the concept of creating a sequence of double numbers until the sum is prime.
Double Proportions
This mathematician first named deficient and abundant numbers.
If k>1 and (2k-1) is prime, then 2k-1(2k-1) is a _____ ______
Perfect number
Show that 496 is a perfect number using double proportion *remember (sum x last)*
31(16)= 496