This typically raises the heart rate in humans but overall will lower heart rate with repeated use.
On what day is Valentine's day. This one is a gimme but lets face it, it's mostly guys in here and according to stereotypes we will forget it.
February 14th
Chocolate is the food for Valentine's. What plant does chocolate originate from?
The Cacao tree.
This movie, by Garry Marshall, is notable because it includes Taylor Swift's first acting gig.
Valentine's Day
Starting off easy: this document written in 533 articulates the general average principle of marine insurance established on the island of Rhodes.
Digesta seu Pandectae
What are the top two chambers of the heart called?
The atria
This flower is the most typically gifted flower on Valentine's day.
Red roses
Hungry? This is the most popular candy bar in the world.
This, a classic Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan rom com involves a city and a potentially life threatening condition.
Sleepless in Seattle
Another easy one, what is the first company to offer modern life insurance?
Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office
The heart is part of this system of the body, typically along with the blood vessels.
The circulatory system.
A day brought into existence via a TV show, this is celebrated on Feb 13th, and encourages all female group outings celebrating female friendships.
Galentines Day
The heart, along with various other organs is typically called this in culinary applications.
Guh, I have no idea how this became a series of books which became a trilogy of movies was originally a fan fic for Twilight.
50 Shades of Grey
Hey this should be easy, since we're a mutual, who started the first mutual in the US and what as the company called?
Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss of Fire.
What is the cycle that where the heart pumps blood to and from the lungs cycling out carbon dioxide and cycling in oxygen?
Pulmonary Circulation
The Parliament of Fowls by this author is thought to be the first recorded instance of romantic love being associated with Valentine's day.
Geoffrey Chaucer
What countries school lunch typically includes blood cakes?
This is a common trope in rom coms where future romantic partners meet in a humorous or unusual way.
Okay now for a something a bit harder, a tablet found in 1816 in Egypt described a burial society collegium in Lanuvium under which dynasty? Please also include the years this dynasty was active.
Nerva-Antonine Dynasty 96-192 AD
What is the part of the chest where the heart typically rests called?
The mediastinum.
Valentine's day was originally a pagan holiday (like most modern holidays) of the Romans celebrated from Feb 13-15th where they would sacrifice a goat and a dog then whip women with the hides of the sacrificed animals, what was this celebration called?
Strawberries are covered in chocolate for valentine's day usually. What family do strawberries belong to? Note that Tom Brady stated that he has never eaten one but apparently did on the Colbert show in 2018.
Rosaceae - same family as roses
This slasher, and it's remake involve a miner running around murdering people in a small mining town.
My Bloody Valentine
Okay, this is the one. CA 01 02 12 21, Section 2, subsection A, part (3), notes what?
NY only, $50k for a judgement or judgements for damage because of death of any one person in any one "accident".