Very Loud
Receives 1 beat (4/4 time)
Quarter Note
A person who writes music
Clap this rhythm:
♩ ♩ ♩ ♩
(correct answer confirmed by counselor)
German composer during the classical era, who is well known as the creator of "Für Elise" on the piano
Ludwig van Beethoven
Quiet, soft
Name the 5 lines and 4 spaces in a musical staff for Treble Clef
Lines: EGBDF
Spaces: FACE
Three or more notes sounded together in harmony
A note where you should not play anything; silent
Tchaikovsky is famous for which music in ballet?
The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, or Sleeping Beauty
Gradually gets louder
A half rest and a whole rest both look like hats, but one is upside down. Which rest looks like an upside down hat?
Whole rest
The speed at which music is played
Two eighth notes equal how many quarter notes?
This music period saw the rise of piano and included composers such as Bach, Mozart, and Chopin
Another word for decrescendo
At the beginning of a staff, 4/4 or 3/4 or 6/8 that tells what the rhythm of the song is going to be is called...
Time Signature
When singing, do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti is called the what system
How many quarter notes equal a whole note?
This Baroque composer best work is a series of violin concertos called "Four Seasons"
Antonio Vivaldi
Forceful, sudden accent
Name 5 types of rests
Quarter rest, eighth rest, half rest, whole rest, sixteenth rest
Name the 3 music textures
Monophonic, Homophonic, and Polyphonic
Clap this rhythm:
♩ ♫ ♫ ♫
(correct answer confirmed by counselor)
Name the 6 periods of music throughout history
1) Medieval 2) Renaissance 3) Baroque 4) Classical 5) Romantic 6) Contemporary