Spanish Colonization
The 13 Colonies
Indiginous People
Interactions Between Worlds
Important Figures

The name of one of the three ships that helped send Columbus to the Americas.

What is the Nina/Pinta/Santa Maria?


The country that the 13 American Colonies belonged to prior to forming the United States.

What is Great Britain?


The empire that controlled central america.

What are the Mayans?


The primary reason for death among Natives after Spanish colonization in the new world started.

What is disease?


An influental Italian explorer who completed four voyages across the the Atlantic Ocean and is credited with discovering the Americas.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


One of the primary reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the Americas.

What is in order to gain wealth/power/to spread Christianity throughout the Americas?


The first colony founded that is still present as a state today.

What is Virginia?


The name of the farming technique developed by Natives using maize, squash, and beans to compliment each other.

What is three-sister farming?


A colony established by Sir Walter Raleigh, notorious for mysteriously losing most of their colonists.

What is Roanoke Colony?


The name of either the King or Queen who gave Christopher Columbus money for his expeditions.

Who is King Ferdinand the II/Queen Isabella the I?


Christopher Columbus accidentally landed in this modern day country.

What are the Bahamas?


The colony that was founded as a refuge for catholics.

What is Maryland?


This natural phenomenon allowed early Natives to reach the Americas, but eventually dissapeared, trapping them.

What is a Land bridge?


An explosion of internal commerce, named after an italian explorer.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


An english adventurer, writer, and nobleman who organized three major expeditions to america during Queen Elizabeth's reign and was ultimately beheaded for treason.

Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?


Spanish rule ended because of this.

What is conflict with the U.S./the Spanish-American war?


The city that held the first colonial continental congress.

What is Philadelphia?


The year around which recorded history started in the new world.

What is 4000 b.c.?


The capital of the Aztec Empire, whose citizens attacked spainards in the sixteenth century.

What is Tenochtitlan?


Taken to England by her husband, she was recieved as a princess but died during her return to the Americas. However, her infant son made it and many of his decendents lived, eventually leading to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.

Who is Pocahontas?


Spanish colonization lasted about this long.

What is 400 years?


The economic theory which said that a nation should export more than they import and should create colonies for natural rescources.

What is Mercantilism?


This North American native tribe had 25,000 tribe members before the arrival of Columbus.

Who are the Cahokia?


The sentiment that conquistadores arbitrarily tortured, infected, and looted indigenious mesoamericans.

What is The Black Legend?


A pirate who was financially backed by many people (namely Queen Elizabeth) and circumnavigated the globe from 1577-1580, returning with a 4,600% profit for his backers.

Who is Sir Francis Drake?