key people
important dates
europeans and native americans
the expansion of the spanish empire
social and cultural changes

"Discovered" the Americas when trying to reach Asia by crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This year is marked as the beginning of influential American history. (hint- beginning of the APUSH course)

What was the year 1491?


European countries wanted to conquer the Americas to gain wealth, military status, and spread this religion.

What is Christianity?


The movement of goods, resources, people, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


Products that significantly increased trade + money and also the need to expand exploration.

What were cash crops (such as sugar)?


The emperor of the Aztec, who fought against Hernan Cortes during the Spanish conquest.

Who is Moctezuma?


The first documented slave trade voyage in 1525 of a ship that landed in Santo Domingo.

What was the rise of the Atlantic Slave Trade?


The expanse of land that was a source of english explorations for wealth, economics, and military competition.

What is the New World?


The Spanish system that involved the use of Native American labor to extract metals and other resources.

What is the encomienda system?


This disease decimated the local population and was instrumental in the fall of the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas.

What was smallpox?


Started the Protestant Reformation; German theologist.

Who is Martin Luther?


The Spanish founded this city in Florida in 1565.

What is St. Augustine?


The "three sisters" crops, which were largely favored by Native American tribes.

What are corn, beans, and squash?


A system that was developed by the Spanish Empire to classify all of the the various races in the Americas.

What was the casta system?


Religious revolt against the Roman Catholic Church that began in 1517.

What was the Protestant Reformation?


Florida is claimed by this Spanish explorer.

Who is Ponce de Leon?


The treaty that was signed in 1494 and divided the world between Portugal and Spain.

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?


A popular crop that spread from Mexico to the present-day Southwest; it supported economic development.

What is maize?


The group that fought back against the invasion of Francisco Pizarro and the Aztecs, but was eventually defeated.

Who were the Incas?


An instrument used for determining the precise position of heavenly bodies.

What was the astrolabe?


A Spanish conquistador who led an expedition in 1519 that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire.

Who is Hernán Cortés?


The year in which Spain authorized Coronado to explore the northern lands for wealth and resources. (currently New Mexico)

What was the year 1540?


An English settlement that mysteriously 'vanished' in 1590 due to unknown circumstances, after being founded by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585.

What was the Roanoke Colony (a.k.a. the 'lost' colony)?


Pure Spaniards born in Spain, often the highest level on the social hierarchy system at the time.

Who were the peninsulares?


Detailed maps that helped navigators find their way to the Americas and were first produced in the early 13th century.

What were portulanos?