a widely held belief that incorporating new territory was sanctioned by God
the main industry in the Southern states
plantation farming by slave labor
the idea that residents should vote to decide the question of slavery
popular sovereignty
the name of the new country created when 11 Southern states left the Union
the Confederate States of America
The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
abolish slavery, guaranteed citizenship, granted voting rights
the verb that means to add (an area or region) to a country, state, etc. : to take control of (a territory or place)
the main industry in the Northern states
manufacturing by paid workers
the implementation of popular sovereignty led to violent conflict in this newly created state
Kansas (Bleeding Kansas, 1855-1859)
the event that gave the final push for Southern states to seceded
Those who believed that all Black people should be granted rights and Southerners deserved punishment
Radical Republicans
this treaty effectively ended the Mexican-American War and granted the US territories in California, New Mexico and Utah
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
the policy of promoting or protecting the interests of people born in a country over those of immigrants
the Supreme Court opinion that excluded African-Americans from citizenship rights in the United States (1857)
Dred Scott v. Sanford
one advantage of the South in Civil War
Leaders with more experience (Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson)
home-field advantage
Two pieces of evidence supporting the claim that although Reconstruction led to some progress for formerly enslaved people, ultimately it was a failure.
Black Codes
Birth of the KKK
a 29,670-square-mile region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that the United States acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla, which took effect on June 8, 1854
Gadsden Purchase
Origin countries of most newly arrived immigrants
Germany and Ireland
How did the government encourage westward migration?
Passing new legislation
(think Homestead Act) encouraging settlers to move west, government gave land and
subsidies to RR companies.
one advantage of the North in the Civil War
Large and powerful navy
Controlled banks, manufacturing, and railroads
Well-established strong government
Had more railroad tracks and more transportation
Through this system, planters broke up their estates into small units and established on each unit a black or poor white family as tenants.
the cause(s) of Westward expansion
Expanding economic, diplomatic, and cultural ties with Asia across the Pacific Ocean.
Desire for access to natural and mineral resources.
a nativist political party and movement in the United States who believed immigrants were corrupting Northern cities
The Know-Nothing Party
a short-lived political party in the United States active from 1848 to 1854, that later merged into the Republican Party
Free-Soil Movement
The reason the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) dressed in white hoods.
They claimed to be the ghosts of Confederate soldiers,
after this act was repealed Reconstruction "ended"
The Reconstruction Acts of 1867