Civil War 1
Civil War 2
Government 1
Government 2

Who was President of the Union/The United States during the War Between the States?

Abraham Lincoln


The economy of the south was heavily reliant on their __________ crops.



What does the 1st Amendment allow you to have as a citizen?

It grants you freedom of speech, religion, and press.

What are the 3 branches of government?





Who was considered to be a Federalist?

a person who advocates or supports a system of government in which several states unite under a central authority


Who was Harriet Tubman?

A "conductor" of the "Underground Railroad" who helped slaves escape to freedom.


Name one major advantage the Union had in the war.

- Larger Population (including escaped enslaved persons fighting for the Union)

- Abundant natural resources

- More factories/manufacturing 

- More railroads.


What are the first ten amendments in the U.S. Constitution called?

Bill of Rights


What was the Louisiana Purchase? How did it affect the United States?

-It was land bought from France (Napoleon) 

-It doubled the size of the US and provided opportunities to expand farming and make more $


What did the Ant-Federalists believe?

they opposed the ratification of the US Constitution because they feared that the new national gov't would be too powerful and threaten peoples basic rights

What is the definition of secede?

to separate from a nation or state, and become independent


What is an abolitionist?

A person who wants slaves to be freed and for to be rid of slavery forever


What did the 13th Amendment do?

It abolished slavery in America

What was the 3/5 Compromise?

An agreement between the northern and southern states in which slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person in the states total population


What was the Great Compromise?

-A compromise between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. 

-It established that there would be equal representation in the upper and lower house based on population


What happened to Abraham Lincoln at the end of the civil war?

He was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth.

What year did the Civil War end?



Name the Amendment: Granted citizenship to anyone born in the US, and offers equal under the laws

14th Amendment


What was the Articles of Confederation? How was the government?

an agreement among the 13 original states of the U.S of America that served as its first constitution. 

-It was a very weak government.


What was the Trail of Tears?

It was a result of the Indian Removal Act where 5 groups of Native Americans (Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles) were forced out of their homes and to relocate into "reservations"


Why was the Fugitive Slave Act ratified in 1850?

The Act was intended to strengthen the power of slaveholders by allowing them to recapture escaped slaved even in free states.


What is the definition of "Emancipation."

The freeing of someone from slavery


What did the 19th Amendment do?

Granted women the right to vote


Describe Lewis and Clark and their objective during their Expedition.

They were 2 men hired to explore the land of Louisiana after the purchase to find a water route.

*The route would lead the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.


When the British and the French seized American ships that interfered with trade. The Native Americans then teamed up with Britain b/c they wanted to stop US expansion. The US wanted to remain neutral due to G.Washington's treaty, and Pres. Madison gave warnings that were ignored pushing him to declare which war?

The War of 1812