The progressive era
The Great Depression &New deal
Postwar Diplomacy

Amendment which people believed was violated due to all the censorship and restriction of speech

What is the first amendment?


crusading journalists who exposed social,economic,and political injustice.

What are Muckrakers? 


A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.

new deal


who did America keep in concentration camps?

the japanese


tension existed between these two countries after the end of WW11

what is The United States and the Soviet Union


reason why African American fled to the North and West

what is racial discrimination,escaping segregation,racial violence,and economical opportunities?

MUST name at least 2 to receive points


Most prominent progressive leader

who is President Theodore Roosevelt?


In the 1920s and through the 1930s, the United States continued its transition from a rural, agricultural economy to an ____,_______ economy led by large companies.

urban, industrial


What impact did the GI Bill have on Americans after the war?

It gave veterans more opportunities for employment, education, job training, and resources for purchasing homes and life insurance.


Metaphor was created by Winston Churchill to describe a symbolic curtain that divided communism from the rest of the world. 

What is the Iron curtain?


prohibited anyone from using the U.S. mail system to interfere with the war effort or with the draft

What is the espionage act?


who did the progressives believe must intervene for true societal changes

What is the government?

The large black blizzards that swept the great plains for seven years.

dust bowl


What did the Double V campaign accomplish?

It showed the united front for African Americans to win against their enemies abroad and in America, discrimination and segregation


International organization formed after WW11 to promote peace and mediate future international disputed.

What is the United Nations?


Americans fear of communist takeover following the Russian revolution and Bolsheviks rise of power.

What is the first Red scare?


Roosevelt's deal called for enforcement of existing anti trust laws and stricter controls on big businesses. 

Hint: Ultimately kept the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor.

what is the square deal?


A program made to increase low skill jobs to stabilize the economy

Federal Emergency Relief Administration 


the invasion of France

d day


Plan that proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to help Europe recover from WW11 and prevent the spread of communism.

What was the Marshall plan?


Name the 3 events that led the US to join the first world war.

What is the discovery of the Zimmerman telegram,The sinking of the Lusitania was caused by Germany,and the use of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany?


What were the three methods for forcing politicians to act if they balked at obeying the "will of the people,"?

What is the initiative,the referendum,and recall?


(FDR) , 1935 Created for both industrial recovery and for unemployment relief.

Public Works Administration (PWA)


Coalition of scientists to make atomics weapons

Manhattan Project


Who were the BIG 3 leaders who met to discuss the fate of Post war Europe?

who was Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin?