Spanish American War

These were the years that World War I started and ended

What is 1914 and 1918?


These were the years that World War II started and ended

What is 1939 and 1945?


This 1913 amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people rather than by state legislatures

What is the 17th Amendment?

This day, marked by a massive stock market crash, is often considered the start of the Great Depression

What is Black Tuesday?


This U.S. battleship exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898, leading to the Spanish-American War

What is the USS Maine?


This American president led the United States during World War I and proposed the Fourteen Points for peace

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This surprise Japanese attack on a US navy base resulted in the US joining World War II

What is Pearl Harbor?


This term describes journalists who exposed corruption and injustice during the Progressive Era

What are Muckrakers?


Roosevelt's New Deal focused on these 3 "R's" (Must have in order)

What is Relief, Recovery, Reform?


After the Spanish-American War, the United States got control over these three territories.

What are the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam?


This is the emperor of the German reich during between 1888 and 1918, leading Germany through WWI.

Who is Kaiser Wilhelm II?


This battle in the Soviet Union was a turning point on the Eastern Front, ending in a Soviet victory

What is the Battle of Stalingrad?


This 1906 book by Upton Sinclair exposed unsanitary conditions in workplace, leading to federal food safety laws.

What is "The Jungle?"


This public works program funded the construction of roads, schools, and other infrastructure projects to combat unemployment

What is the WPA?


This naval battle in the Philippines resulted in a victory for the United States and the end of Spanish colonial rule in that region.

What is the Battle of Manila Bay


This communication from Germany to Mexico tried to create an alliance against the United States during WWI, ended up being intercepted

What is Zimmermann Telegram?


This 1941 policy allowed the United States to supply Allied nations with war materials before entering the war

What is the Lend-Lease Act?


This 1911 fire in a New York City factory resulted in the deaths of 146 workers and led to reforms in labor laws and workplace safety standards

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?


This New Deal program was created in 1933 to provide jobs for young men in environmental projects, such as planting trees and building parks

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?


This 1898 amendment to the U.S. Constitution said that the United States did not mean to annex Cuba but only to help it get independence from Spain

What is the Teller Amendment?


This 1917 act gave the U.S. federal government the power to draft men into military service

What is the Selective Service Act?


This 1942 act signed by FDR placed over 120,000 Japanese Americans into internment camps

What is Executive Order 9066?


This naturalist founded the Sierra Club in 1892 and helped establish national parks like Yosemite

Who is John Muir?


This New Deal legislation established the FDIC to protect bank deposits and restore trust in the banking system

What is the Glass-Steagall Act?


This style of journalism often had false stories helped gain support for the Spanish-American War.

What is Yellow Journalism