Group who criticized American expansion beyond North America highlighting the hypocrisy of American Imperialism
Anti-Imperialist League
Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
Bonds that could be purchased to support the American war effort
Liberty bonds
The assassination of this archduke is considered the immediate cause of WWI
Franz Ferdinand
In order to rapidly mobilize for war, the U.S. created several agencies. Name ONE
Committee of Public Information
War Industries Board
War Labor Board
What was the name of Roosevelts Domestic Policy?
The Square Deal
Roosevelt's policy to extend American influence in Latin America
Roosevelt Corollary
This allowed for US intervention in Cuba and the establishment of permanent military bases in Cuba
Victory gardens
The Alliance that included Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire...the forces that fought against the allied powers
Central Powers
These laws made it illegal to work against and speak out against the American government during WWI
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Pure Food and Drug Act
Meat Inspection Act
Revolt against foreign or Western influence in China
Boxer Rebellion
Name 2 political figures in the Anti Imperialist League
Andrew Carnegie, William Jennings Bryan, Samuel Gompers, Mark Twain
The Committee on Public Information sent men out to American towns and cities and they would deliver speeches addressing the public on how they could contribute to the war effort. These men were referred to as....
4 minute men
The sinking of this commercial liner is considered one of the causes for American involvement in WWI
Labor union founded by Eugene Debs that opposed American involvement in WW1
IWW or Wobblies
Wilson's Foreign Policy
Moral Diplomacy
Causes for American Imperialism (you need at least 3)
Need for external markets and raw materials
Desire to spread Christianity
Competition with European powers
Philippine Revolutionary that resisted American control
Emilio Aguinaldo
Wilson outlined American goals for involvement in WWI in this speech.
14 points speech
Germany's agreement to restrict submarine warfare...this temporarily kept the U.S. out of the war
Sussex Pledge
Women who served as operators for the front lines during WWI
Hello girls
Teddy Roosevelt formed this political party to run in the election of 1912
Bull Moose or the Progressive Party
Identify one treaty associated with the construction and control of the Panama Canal
Hay Pauncefote or Hay Bunau Varilla
Court cases over American citizenship in U.S. territories that ruled the Constitution does NOT follow the flag
Insular Cases
A volunteer group that was part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that was designed to root out those in violation of the espionage and sedition acts
American Protective League
The final straw for the U.S. After intercepting this message, the U.S. would declare war on Germany
Zimmerman Telegram
US Supreme Court Case that upheld the espionage and sedition acts. National security takes precedence to civil liberties when there is a clear and present danger
Schenk vs US
Name 2 achievements of the Wilson administration before US entry into WWI
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Reserve
Underwood Tariff
16th and 17th amendments