Cold War
Vietnam War
Presidents Trivia

This foreign policy was used by the United States, specifically the Truman presidency, and resulted in a series of proxy wars

What is Containment?


This offensive by the viet cong is considered the beginning of the end of the vietnam war

What is the Tet Offensive?


This program was introduced by President LBJ and was considered similar to the administration of FDR

What is the Great Society?


This movement was seen as one of the most impactful social movements of the 20th century and made immense progress for African Americans.

What is the Civil Rights Movement?


This major political scandal under the Nixon administration led to the resignation of Nixon.

What is the Watergate Scandal?


This radical xenophobia was introduced by a US Senator and exacerbated the Red Scare in the 1950s.

What is McCarthyism?


These classified documents, exposed by the New York Times, detailed troop casualties and the true state of the war. It also led to further distrust in the government under the nixon administration

What is the Pentagon Papers?


This president established the interstate highway system

Who is Eisenhower?


This iconic music festival took place in August 1969 and is often associated with the counterculture movement of the 1960s

What is Woodstock?


This foreign disaster was considered one of the biggest failures of the Carter administration, and involved an infamous failed attempt at a resolution.

What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis?


During this Proxy war, a trigger happy general was dismissed from duty.

What is the Korean War?


Instead of conventional bombing, the United States often used this to clear compounds and kill the Viet Cong

What is Napalm?


This person famously assassinated JFK

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?


This essay, which is considered one of the best argumentative pieces of all time, poses the moral issue of breaking an unjust law

What is A Letter From Birmingham Jail?


The only president to never be elected to any official position.

Who is Gerald Ford?


This program was initiated by the US after WWII and was designed to help Western Europe’s Economic recovery, in spite of the soviet union

What is the Marshall Plan?


This peace agreement was signed in 1973 to end the vietnam war.

What is the Paris Peace Accords?


This amendment, passed by president LBJ as apart of the great society, abolished poll tax

What is the 24th Amendment?


The operation that involved the failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles ordered by President JFK.

What is the Bay of Pigs?


A PR campaign by Ford to fight against stagflation.

What is the WIN campaign?


Codenamed “Operation Quarantine,” this was the primary response to the Cuban missile crisis by the United States.

What is the blockade of Cuba?


First Lieutenant William L. “Rusty” Calley, Jr., and his platoon murdered at least 300 Vietnamese civilians during this massacre

What is the My Lai Massacre?


This Committee declared that the shooter who killed JFK acted alone.

What is the Warren Committee?


After RFK’s assassination, who won the democratic nomination in the 1968 presidential election. His stance on the Vietnam war causing the DNC riots.

Who is Hubert Humphrey?


A second scandal involving Nixon, preventable by the War Powers Act.

What is Nixon's Secret Invasion of Cambodia?