The Cold War Begins
Civil Rights Begins
Social Movements
The Rise of Conservatism

This country was the main adversary of the United States during the Cold War.

What is the USSR or Russia?


This Civil Rights activist working for the NAACP sparked the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott after her arrest.

Who was Rosa Parks?


This theory that suggested that if one country falls to communism, all the surrounding countries might fall to communism as well was used as a main justification for the US involvement in the Vietnam War.

What was the Domino Theory? OR

What was Containment?


These countercultural youths from the late 1960s and early 1970s often defied norms, with men growing their hair long, using illicit drugs, and living together in communes.

What are hippies?


This president so often championed the economic policy of Supply Side economics (AKA trickle down economics), that the policy is now nicknamed after him.

Who was Ronald Reagan?


This is the term that means to accuse your political enemies, without evidence, of being Communists. It was named after a Wisconsin Senator who accused the State Department and Army of harboring communists.

What is McCarthyism?


Emmett Till was lynched in Mississippi, but was actually a resident of this city at the time of his murder.

What is Chicago, IL?


After Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara exaggerated about an attack on US ships by the Viet Minh in 1964, this resolution was passed the same year by the US Congress that gave the president authority to start combat in Vietnam.

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


Leading many boycotts, he co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) of Mexican American migrant farm workers, which eventually merged with another union to form the United Farm Workers. 

Who was Cesar Chavez?


This politician gave a speech in 1979 in which he articulated his idea that Americans were suffering from a "crisis of confidence". Conservatives blasted him for it, claiming it showed his ineffectiveness and incompetence.

Who is Jimmy Carter?


This was the name of the program that financially supported Western European countries in the wake of World War II.

What was the Marshall Plan?


In 1957, these African American students faced significant adversity when they attempted to integrate into an all-white high school in Arkansas.

Who were the Little Rock 9?


DAILY DOUBLE: Bet up to your total amount of points (or 1000, if you have less than 1000).

This 1968 military campaign, marked by surprise attacks by the Viet Cong on cities and towns across South Vietnam during the Lunar New Year celebration, contributed to the year with the highest number of deaths of US soldiers in the Vietnam War.


This federal agency was created by Richard Nixon in 1970 to address increasing concerns over pollution.

What was the Environmental Protection Agency?

California's Proposition 13, championed by fiscal conservatives, limited this kind of tax in the state.

What is property tax?


Often seen as the first proxy war of the Cold War, this conflict ended in a stalemate along the 38th parallel.

What was the Korean War?

This is the name of the religious civil rights organization that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. served as president of from 1957-1967

What is the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)?


Richard Nixon gave this name to the process of reducing US involvement in the Vietnam War and gradually giving the South Vietnamese more control over their fight against the Viet Minh.

What was Vietnamization?


DAILY DOUBLE: Bet up to your total amount of points (or 1000, if you have less than 1000).

A battle between police and patrons at this NYC bar led to a series of protests that are often cited as the start of the modern LGBTQ movement


This event in the Middle East is often seen as a major factor in the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, as Jimmy Carter failed to find a solution to the problem while running for re-election.

What was the Iran Hostage Crisis?


This theory made some peace activists angry, as it suggested both sides of the Cold War building up a cache of nuclear weapons would actually make nuclear war less likely.

What is Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)?


This woman's leadership in the Civil Rights movement included working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, helping form the Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee, and leading the organization of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

Who was Ella Baker?

These two newspapers were involved in publishing the Pentagon Papers in 1971, that revealed the military was spreading misinformation, engaging in cover ups, and omitting facts from the public about the Vietnam War.

What were the New York Times and the Washington Post?


During massive protests against the Vietnam War in 1970, an incident at this midwestern college inspired a Crosby Stills and Nash song that included the repeated lyrics "Four dead in Ohio."

What is Kent State?


This religious group of voters became a major part of Ronald Reagan's electorate, as they argued for a more socially conservative set of political issues like anti-LGBT policies and pro-life laws.

Who were evangelical Christians?