Books II
Genius Hour (Showcased only)
Grammar & Punctuation
Misc. and Extras (from those 4 categories)

Name one book Ms. Kinnaman read in this classroom.

Flawed / Ponies / Hidden Figures / PRIDE


Which two books were the first AND the last book Ms. Kinnaman read to us?

First: Ponies



Name 1 Genius Hour Project within Period 3. (Period 1, 2, and 4 doesn't count!)

(Answers may vary.)


(Commas) What is one example of incorrectly using commas?

Missing commas, overly used commas, etc.


What was one thing we ALWAYS had to write on every Monday?

High and Lows.


During Critical Literacy, what were the options for books?

(Answers may vary.)


What is the term for relating to something in the book? Or alternatively, what is the term of not being able to relate, but it gives you a new perspective?

Mirrors / Windows


What was one idea possible within Genius Hour?

Games, slideshows, podcasts, etc.


Give out an example on how to use commas.

Example: "That reminds me, Jimmy boy. I once sat on a banana, and that practically changed my life."

(Example by Aiden)


What was one of the Genius Hour Progress Form dates?

Extra for Genius Hour.

2/16, 2/26, or 4/19


In the book PRIDE, why does the protagonist have a hard time adapting to the rich neighbors?

Renovating the old mansion.

(Answer by EL. Your answer may vary!)


In the book Flawed, what happens to the perfect people who disobey the rules?

They get F's burned onto their bodies multiple times, to resemble that they're flawed. This is one way people knew that they failed class.


During the Genius Hour showcase, who made a cybernetic cook book, but couldn't publish it?

Aiden Dolan


Give an example of using capitalization.

Ex. 1: "That tournament is about to start soon." (First letter)

Ex. 2: Robert E. Lee (Proper noun)

(Examples by Ethan)


Define the word "dystopian" (adj.).

Extra for Punctuation.

Relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.


(Traditionally phrased) In the book Hidden Figures, this was one of the social issues within the story/movie.

What are Colored Bathrooms / Racism?


In the book Hidden Figures (or the movie), what did black people have to do during the time of racism?

Always sit on the back of the bus / go to separate schools / go to separate colored bathrooms / not allowed to eat at restaurants / very very poor / Had to deal with most white people being racist and saying that one offensive word (N-word. Do not say it!)


Exactly how many Period 3 Genius Hour Projects were REAL? (Basically only projects with a link or effort.)

20 real projects


Correct this sentence.

"you and i are partners in this round ok?"

"You and I are partners in this round, ok?"

(Sentence written by Ethan)


When did we begin the story draft project?

December 14, 2023


In the short story "All Summer in the Day", Why did all the students lock the protagonist in the closet?

Because the protagonist was a nerd, and she believed the sun was finally going to rise today, but no one believed her.


Name one of the 5 main parts in a story in general.

Introduction, rising, climax, falling, or resolution.


During slide #14, why did the creator show the "Kiosk Mode Exploit" in his Beyblade Guide?

Malicious compliance. A teacher told the creator if he knew how people were able to play games and bypass both Hapara Highlights and Lightspeed Filter Agent extensions.

(ALERT: Saying "for 2 rockstars" isn't correct. You ain't slick!)


What are the three steps in a argumentative essay?

1. A quote, followed by the introduction to the essay.

2. Provide evidence and counterarguments. Repeat 3 times minimum.

3. Write the ending/outro of your essay


Name one of the 6 types of characters in dystopian fiction.

Extra for Books or Books II.

Hero, sidekick, anti-hero, villain, mentor, or mother figure.