What is a row on the periodic table called?
A Period
What two Greek words does Phosphorous come from and what do they mean
Phos, Phoros
"Light Bringing"
What two Latin words does Oxygen come from and what do they mean?
Oxy - Acid
Genes - Forming
What is the symbol for Copper?
What happens to the ionization energy as you move from left to right on the periodic table?
It increases
What are the two names for a COLUMN on the periodic table?
A Group or Family
What Greek word does Iodine come from and what does it mean?
What Latin word does Iridium come from and what does it mean?
What is the symbol for Antimony?
What happens to the atomic radius as you move from the top right to the bottom left of the periodic table?
It increases
This Law States: "The properties of elements on the periodic table are periodic functions of the atomic number."
What greek word does helium come from and what does it mean?
Helios - sun
What Latin word does Flourine come from and what does it mean?
Fluere - to Flow
What is the symbol for Iron?
What is the name for the amount of energy that changes (usually released) when an atom gains an electron?
Electron Affinity
Dimitri Mendeleev, Atomic Mass
What two Greek words does Antimony come from?
Anti- not
Monos - alone
What latin word does Caesium (cesium) come from and what does it mean?
Caesius - "the sky" or Sky-blue
What is the symbol for tin?
Who organized the periodic table based on atomic number?
Henry Mosley
What two Greek words does Mercury come from and what do they mean?
Hydros - Liquid (or water)
Gyrum - Silvery metal
What Latin word does calcium come from and what does it mean?
What is the symbol for lead?
What are the three most stable elements in the D-Block of the Periodic Table