perioperative assessment
periop. safety:equipment focus
clinical reasoning
What are the ways professional nurses seek support and encouragement from their peers?
What is mentoring, role modeling, periodic feedback and precepting
Q: Independent facts, figures and findings such as the history and physical, laboratory and radiology reports, patient's plan of care, and nursing notes.
What is Objective data
Potential sources of fuel for surgical fires.
“What are, patient & staff linens/drapes; prep solutions; skin degreasers/tinctures/aerosols; body tissues and patient hair; intestinal gases”
This critical thinking component is defined as self-reflection.
What is: introspection
What type of anesthesia is defined as reversible loss of sensation achieved by injecting a local anesthetic to block the nerve fibers from transmitting impulses?
What is regional
These are AORN’s core values:
What is Communication, innovation, quality, collaboration
Provides a means for planning perioperative care as well as evaluation of the care rendered
What is documentation
RACE acronym
What is R – Rescue patients & staff that are in immediate danger; A – Alarm or call 911; C – Confine the fire, shut all doors; E – Evacuate”
The 3 commonly accepted nursing tools     
What are: nursing process, Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS), and the WHO/Joint Commission/AORN surgical safety checklists
Name two risks involved with anesthesia?
What is Hypotension Malignant hyperthermia
What does PICO stand for?
What is Patient, population or problem, Interventions, Comparison, Outcome
Ascertain if the patient has had a prior reaction to any medications or prep solutions
What is patient allergies
Prevention of unsafe situation when using Bovie/electrocautery. “
What are not using in an oxygen-enriched environment, such as the trachea or when oxygen is being "blown over” a patient; Allowing enough time for skin preparation solutions that are flammable or contain alcohol to thoroughly dry;Visually checking the integrity and insulation of all cords and coagulation instruments before use.”
The 4 components of the concept of critical thinking     
What are: informed practice, holistic thinking, unbiased thinking, reasoned application of a step by step process
Name 3 factors taken into consideration before determining what type of anesthetic to use for a patient?
What is Patient/surgeon preference Surgical procedure Physiological status Age Postoperative recovery time Length of surgery Position of patient Patient’s previous experiences with anesthesia
The tenets of professionalism in nursing are:
What is Commitment to patients, commitment to nursing, collaboration, communication and performance.
Decreased sensation to pain and body temperature variations. In addition, problems with depth and color perception, as well as dry eyes.
What is the elderly patient
Steps to reduce personnel exposure to and risk of fire for specimen fixatives such as formalin
“What are, Avoid splashing while pouring; Avoid skin contact by wearing gloves during handling and pouring; If skin contact occurs, wash thoroughly with water; Wear a protective mask to avoid inhaling fumes, and pour only in a well-ventilated room or under a flow hood; Wear protective goggles to avoid eye contact; If eye contact occurs, flush immediately and thoroughly with water before getting medical attention; Use absorbent material and then triple-rinse with water any area or surface where accidental formalin spillage occurs; Store in a dedicated area away from medications, sterile supplies, and food supplies; Store fixatives securely so they are inaccessible to persons unfamiliar with their proper use.”
This person teaches, counsels, inspires, serves as a role model, and supports the growth and development of the novice for a fixed amount of time.     
What is a preceptor
What are the three phases of anesthesia?
What is Induction Maintenance Emergence
What are the things that OR nurses have control over that affect the bottom line?
What is On time starts, turnover time, volume of cases, length of cases.
This age group interprets terms literally, so be specific and honest
What are kids between the ages of 3 and 6
Elements of Pneumatic tourniquet documentation
“What are, pneumatic tourniquet system identification serial number, limb occlusion pressure (LOP), cuff pressure, skin protection measures, location of tourniquet cuff, skin integrity under the cuff before and after use of the pneumatic tourniquet, the name of the person placing the tourniquet cuff, time of inflation and deflation, assessment and evaluation of the entire extremity, and systematic reaction to ischemia and reperfusion.”
This person provides encouragement and acts as a guide and facilitator while modeling professional nursing behaviors.
What is a mentor
What are the four stages of anesthesia?
What is Stage I: Initial administration Stage II: excitement Stage III: Intrasurgery Stage IV: Possibility of respiratory failure