Surgical Team
This period begins when the client is scheduled for surgery and ends at the time of transfer to the surgical suite.
What is the preoperative period
This acute, life-threatening complication is an inherited response to succinylcholine and inhalation agents of anesthesia.
What is Malignant Hyperthermia
This condition occurs when there is partial or complete separation of the outer layers of the incision site.
What is wound dehiscence?
This drug is administered when a client is unresponsive with lowered respiratoy rate with impending respiratory distress/arrest.
What is Narxan.
This individual coordinates, oversees and participates in teh patient's nursing care while the patient is in the operating room.
What is the circulating nurse
This type of surgery resolves a health problem by repairing or removing the cause.
What is curative surgery
The client is treated with this medication when malignant hyperthermia develops.
What is Dantrolen?e sodium (Dantrium)
This is the first action the nurse takes when a client is transfered from the surgical unit to PACU.
What is assessing for a patent airway and adequate gas exchange?
This activity helps to expand the lungs and maintain adequate air exchange.
What are breathing exercises and incentive spirometry?
This individual assumes responsibility for the surgical procedure and any surgical judgments about the patient
What is a surgeon
This person functions as the patient advocate by reporting t the surgeon and anesthesiology eprsonnel any abnormalities found on the client's physical assessment, lab work or other preop work up.
What is a nurse?
This medical condition increases the client's risk of wound infection.
What is Diabetes Mellitus?
This condition requires that the nurse stay with the patient, place the client in a supine poition with the hips and knees bent, call for help, notify the surgeon, Place warm, sterile NaCl on the wound, and prepare the client for surgery
What is evisceration?
This activity promotes venous return from the lower extremities and prevent venous stasis and DVT (deep veint thrombosis.
What is Antiembolic stockings and elastic stockings, pneumatic compression devices
This individual manages the client's care while the patient is in this area and initiates documentation on a perioperative nursing record.
What is the holding area nurse
These are the labs and diagnostic tests that are usually ordered preoperatively.
What are Electrolytes, H/H, Clotting studies, Creatinine, ECG and CXR?
THis anesthetic agent is used for local or regional anesthesia.
What is Tetracaine?
This is performed along with deep breathing to help expel secretions, keep the lungs clear and promote full aeration of the lungs to prevent pneumonia and atelectasis.
What is coughing and splinting the wound?
This stimulates intestinal motility, enhances lung expansion, mobilizes secretions, promotes venous return, prevents joint rigidity and relieves pressure.
What is Early ambulation
This individual sets up the sterile field, assists with the draping of the client, hands sterile supplies, sterile equipment and instruments to the surgeon.
What is a scrub nurse?
The nurse may serve as a witness to the client's signature on this after the physician has explained the procedure, risks, benefits, & complications, before sedation is given and before surgery is preformed.
What is informed consent?
Also called intrathecal block: in which an injection of an anesthetic agent into the cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space is given. It is primarily used for lower abdominal and pelvic surgery.
What is spinal anesthesia
This drug is administered if opioids induce excessive sedation and reduced respiratory rate.
What is Narcan?
A client's surgical wound drains produce these normal draining from a wound 2 days post operative.
What is serosanguineous
This individual is a physician or master's prepared nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthetic agents.
What is the anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist?