Local Application
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
Local Use of Funds
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What must local educational agencies submit to receive CTE funds?

What is the local application?


The Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment was implemented in this year.

What is 2018?


There are this many required uses of funds under Perkins.

What is the number 6?


What is the maximum percentage of funds that can be used for administrative costs by eligible recipients?

What is 5%?


Federally, the local application submission is aligned to this document. 

What is the State Plan?


This is the frequency at which the comprehensive local needs assessment must be updated.

What is every 2 years?


Funds made available to eligible recipients shall be used to support CTE programs that meet these three indicators. 

What are sufficient size, scope, and quality? 


CTE programs of study should be aligned to technical and ________ standards. 

What are academic standards? 


How many required sections are there in the local application?

What is the number 9? 


These aspects of labor market information must be considered in the comprehensive local needs assessment.

What are local, regional, state, and tribal labor market needs?


How can funds be used to support CTE concentrators in accelerated learning programs?

What is expanding opportunities for CTE concentrators to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs?


Eligible recipients can take this collaborative action by using their Perkins fund.

What is pooling? 


This federal policy was referenced in Perkins' current authorization to support workforce development.  

What is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)


This comprehensive local needs assessment asks local education agencies (LEAs) to a description of this to ensure high-quality CTE instruction. 

What is a description of how to improve recruitment, retention, and training of CTE teachers?


LEAs must provide students with programs that provide students with the skills to meet these labor market indicators. 

What are high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand. 


Name one key element that must be evaluated in the comprehensive local needs assessment. 

What is student performance? 


The term replaced career guidance and counseling in Perkins' current authorization. 

What is work-based learning?


These are five required stakeholder groups for the comprehensive local needs assessment. 

What are: Parents, students, administrators, CTE teachers, career and academic guidance counselors, postsecondary faculty and administrators, paraprofessionals, instructional support personnel,  representatives from State and local workforce development boards, representatives of special populations, representatives serving out-of-school youth, homeless children, and youth, at-risk youth, and representatives of Indian Tribes. 

How can funds be used to reduce expenses for special populations participating in CTE programs?

What are the supporting costs associated with fees, transportation, child care, or mobility challenges?