
Congratulations!!! You came in first! You get a perk to help you in the post game rewards! Good Luck! You get...

"Double Time!" or "Modifier Mayhem!"

(Double Time = Extra try on all prizes that involve attempts)

(Modifier Mayhem = a +5 modifier to all dice rolls or $ situations!)


Congrats!!! You placed 2nd! Not to bad! You can pick a perk to help you in the post game rewards! You get...

"Modifier Mid" or "Double Tap Tap Tap"

(Modifier Mid = a +3 modifier to all dice rolls or $ situations!)

(Double Tap Tap Tap = A one time use but three times to redo a prize situation!)


So close! It happens, but hey 3rd place is still good! You can pick a perk to help you in the post game rewards or a one time bonus to apply now! You get...

"Double Tab" or "Starflation"

(Double Tap = A one time use but to redo a prize situation!)

(Starflation = A one time opportunity to trade your stars for 25 coins each)


Welp! You came in 4th :( That's okay! You still get to pick a one time bonus to help for the post game rewards! You can pick...

"Roll the 3's" or "Starflation"

(Roll the 3's = A one time roll of 3d20 to add coins for the post game rewards).

(Starflation = A one time opportunity to trade your stars for 30 coins each)