What is the outer layer of the earth called?
CLUE: The same word is used to name the outer edges of bread. The word can also be found in the name of Mr. Krab's restaurant in the fictional city of Bikini Bottom from the show Sponge Bob.
What is crust?
A drawing/or symbolic representation that shows part of the earth's surface from above, it shows cities, historical areas, parks etc...
What is a map?
This is something you must have to survive.
A. Want
B. Need
What is B. Need
What is the name of our Security Guard?
Who is J?
What should we do before exercise to prevent injury?
What is stretch?
What do we call a thick mass of ice that covers a large area?
Clue: It is NOT what the Titanic hit, but if a piece of it breaks off in the water it becomes what the Titanic hit.
What is a glacier?
This symbol is found on maps, it indicates direction.
What is compass rose?
Labor is_______.
A. Work
B. Play
C. Wants
What is A. work?
What is the name of the person who makes us breakfast and lunch?
What is Mrs. C?
How many times a week should we exercise?
What is 3-4 times a week?
The breaking down of rocks on the Earth's surface is known as
A. Weathering
B. Chewing
c. Oxidation
What is A. Weathering?
On the map of the USA that we have been studying there are two oceans. What is the ocean on our coast- the east coast?
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
Natural resources are________.
A. Manufactured goods
B. Raw materials from Earth
What is B. Raw materials from the Earth?
Mrs. D from Small Animal has a very teeny tiny friend she brings to work, what is his name?
Who is Tucker?
How long should a workout be?
What is 30-60 minutes?
The process of wearing away and moving of weathered rock and soil is called
A. Sweeping
B. Erosion
c. Deposition
What is B. Erosion
On the map we have been studying, what country is on the other side of the southern border?
What is Mexico?
A service is __________.
A. Work done for a fee.
B. An item people buy, such as food or a car.
What is A. Work done for a fee?
This student is very hard working, a great artist, the tallest student at MPHS and has incredible athletic ability-Who am I?
Who is J V?
True or False, SATURATED FATS are healthy?
What is FALSE?
From where does the sand on a beach come?
A. Wave Erosion
B. Wave Deposits
C. It falls from the wings of seagulls
What is B. Wave Deposits
What coast is the White House or the Nations Capital on?
What is the east coast?
Doctors and mechanics provide ________.
A. Services
B. Goods
What is A. Services?
This person is in charge, very kind, and has a beard, who am I?
Who is Mr. C?
When the weather is warm what activity do we do outside at lunch?
What is take a walk?