Who were Persephone's parents?
Her parents were Zeus and Demeter
What happened when Persephone picked up the Flower?
The earth beneath her cleaved open and through the gap, Hades came out riding his chariot of black horses, and he gaped her and dragged her back into the underworld with him.
Who was Zeus's messenger/"Right hand man"?
In the written version, why does Demeter think that Hades is not the right husband for her daughter?
She thinks this because he only has dead people for company.
In what seasons was the ground not fertile and fruitful.
Autumn and Winter
Hades, king of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone on a horse drawn carriage. How many horses pulled the carriage, and what color were they?
The carriage was drawn by four black horses.
What was the type of flower that Persephone picked that cause Hades to emerge from the ground?
Why did Zeus stay silent even though he saw Hades take his daughter?
He didn't want to cause a fight between himself and his brother.
In which version of the story was Persephone with her mother when she picked the Narcissus?
In the video version.
In which two seasons is Persephone with Demeter?
Spring and summer
Persephone was also called "Kore" what does this mean?
Why did Hades give Persephone the pomegranate?
It would cause her to say she wants to stay in the underworld.
How are Zeus and Hades related?
They are brothers.
What was the biggest difference between the story and the video?
The biggest difference was that in the written story, Demeter goes to Helios to ask for her daughter, and in the video she finds out when Hermes brings her back.
What is Demeter's emotion when the land is fertile and fruitful?
Who advised Demeter to seek help from Helios?
How many seeds of the pomegranate fruit did Persephone eat?
Only a few.
What did Zeus do to resolve Demeter's fight because she wanted to keep her daughter but Hades already had her eat the pomegranate?
He decided that Persephone would stay with Hades for half of the months, and with Demeter the other half.
In video, what does Persephone make appear when she dances?
She makes flowers appear.
What does the myth explain?
The myth was created to explain the change of seasons.
Who was the messenger of the gods?
What was Hades cover story about why she should have the pomegranate?
He said it was so that she would not get tired on her journey home.
What happened to the people on Earth because Zeus didn't tell Demeter where her daughter is which caused her to be angry?
Earth dried up, causing plants and animals, including humans, to die from a lack of food.
In which version did Helios suggest to Demeter that it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Persephone to be the wife of Hades and the queen of death?
In the written version.
What would happen to the earth when Persephone was down in the underworld with Hades?
The ground would become infertile and not fruitful.