Persephones mother was
Who is Demeter?
The kidnapper of Persephone
Who is Hades?
Hades lured Persephone with a ____
What is a flower?
The "moral" that should be already known is..
Why shouldn't I kidnap people?
Pomegranite seeds look like ___
What is wasp larvae?
Hades was the god of...
Where or what is the underworld?
Persephone did this on Earth.
Why did she pick flowers?
There were _ tricks
What is 2?
Demeter is with Persephone in these seasons
What are Spring and Summer?
A god that wasn't in the story.
who is (any god that wasn't in the story)?
Demeter is the god of...
What is fertility and what was the harvest? (both must be mentioned)
Hades took Persephone because...
Was he lonely?
Hades fed Persephone this fruit.
Why does Earth become cold and barren in Winter and Autumn?
Why isnt Demeter with her daughter?
A god in the story.
Who was Zeus, Hades, Persephone, Demeter or Helios?
Helios was the god of...
What is The Sun?
____ guided Demeter to Persephone
Who was Helios?
Persephone ate _ _____ seeds
What is the number 2 and what is a pomegranite?
The main lesson was...
What are the changing seasons?
Zeus stayed away in this version.
What was the story?
Persephones father was...
Who was Zeus?
___ retrieved Persephone in the video
Who was Hermes?
How did demeter find out Persephone had eaten the fruit of the underworld?
Why did Persephone say she wanted to go to Hades?
The 4 seasons and their months.
(You don't have to answer this like a question.)
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Autumn: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
Hades arrived in a ___ to take persephone.
What is a chariot?