What is Hades "special power"?
He controls the dead souls
Did Zeus see everything that happened during the abduction?
How did Hades trick Persephone before she was kidnapped?
The Enchanting Narcissus Flower
What was the myth trying to explain?
The change in the four seasons
Does Hades ask to marry Persephone in the video or the story?
What is Demeter's "special power"?
She is the goddess of harvest, seasons, and fertility. (She makes the seasons change)
What were the two reasons that Zeus wanted to keep quiet about what had happened?
1. He wanted to prevent a fight with his brother
2. He did not want Demeter to get mad at him
What happened to the earth as Persephone was going to pick the flower?
The earth caved open and formed gaps where Hades came out of
Was Autumn and Winter when Persephone was in the Underworld or Mt. Olympus?
Persephone was in the Underworld
In the video, Zeus was surprised about what Hades had done. True or False?
What is Zeus the leader of?
The Olympians
What was Zeus's final decision when Persephone came back?
Persephone would spend half the months in the Underworld and half on Mt. Olympus
What was Hades riding during the abduction?
A chariot
Spring and Autumn were when Persephone was on Mt. Olympus. True of False?
False, Spring and Summer she was on Mt. Olympus
Who told Demeter what had happened to Persephone in the story?
What did Hades love about Persephone?
He was amazed by her youth, beauty, and freshness
Who is Zeus the father of?
Did Hades grab Persephone before of after she could scream for help?
What is Demeter's emotion if the ground in fertile and fruitful?
Did Hades ride black horses in both the video and the story?
Who stopped Demeter from getting really angry and wanting revenge because Hades kidnapped Persephone?
Did Zeus ask Persephone where she wanted to live or just tell her what his decision was?
Zeus asked Persephone
Why did Hades kidnap Persephone in the story?
He was heartbroken because Demeter told him that there wasn't the slightest chance that he would ever marry her
If the ground had no crops on it, what were the seasons?
Autumn and Winter
Persephone was with her friends in the video. True of False?
False, Persephone was with her mom in the video.