In order to have glowing skin you need to...
have good nutrition, exercise, and rest
why should you wear protective gloves while using chemicals?
to prevent chemical burns and irritation
why is it important to wear loose fitting clothing?
to allow easy movement
good posture protects you from?
muscle strain and potential injury
how can you take proper care of your feet?
Regular pedicures and moisturization
as a professional you need to _________.
keep your skin healthy
why should you avoid wearing jewelry?
so it doesn't irritate your skin
shoes look best when?
they are cleaned and polished
keeping good posture reduces what?
physical fatigue
what kinds of shoes should you wear?
well fitting low broad heeled shoes
why should you experiment with different skin care products?
for recommending products to clients
what keeps your hands attractive?
regular manicures and moisturizing hands daily
you should wear comfy flattering clothes to...
allow movement and so you're comfortable all day
good posture presents a _________ image?
your feet should be dried well after a shower or bath why?
to avoid foot fungus/athletes foot