practices to keep the body clean.
practices to care for oneself, such as caring for fingernails and hair
a serious condition in which a person is not getting proper nutrition.
a disease or condition that will eventually cause death
terminal illness
the end of life; the cessation of all body function
bath that includes washing the face, underarms, hands, and perineal area.
partial bath
excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp
to blend or grind food into a thick paste
care that focuses on pain relief, controlling symptoms, preventing side effects and complications, and maintaining quality of life for a person who is very ill and/or is dying
palliative care
the period in which people work to adapt to a loss; influenced by culture, tradition, and society
underarm or armpit area
bad breath.
a necessary substance that provides energy, promotes growth and health, and helps regulate metabolism.
care that focuses on pain relief, controlling symptoms, preventing side effects and complications, and maintaining quality of life for a person who is very ill and/or is dying.
palliative care
the process of burning a dead body until it turns to ash.
lacking teeth; toothless.
hard deposits on the teeth that are filled with bacteria; may cause gum disease and loose teeth if not removed.
cards that list residents’ names and information about special diets, allergies, likes and dislikes, and any other dietary instructions.
diet cards
a period of mourning when the dying person or his family is expecting the death.
anticipatory grief
care of the body after death
postmortem care
an infestation of lice
a type of dental appliance that replaces missing or pulled teeth.
the process of breaking down and transforming all nutrients that enter the body to provide energy and growth.
the varying emotional responses to grief
grief process
the Latin term for the condition after death in which the muscles in the body become stiff and rigid.
rigor mortis