What must you have a written plan for every month?
These are going to happen. That is why it is important to have an Emergency Fund.
What is emergencies?
Before you can give you need to know your own what.
What is heart?
The first key to opening the door to huge bargains is learning to what.
What is negotiate everything?
This percentage of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
What is 70%?
The sign of crisis living and sloppy, lazy money habits is?
What is overdrafts?
These are used when you have reoccurring yearly expenses. *Hint - Calculate the cost of the item and divide it by how many months until your will purchase.
What are sinking funds?
What is open hand?
When you negotiate always what.
What is tell the absolute truth?
What is that you have to build credit?
What is balanced?
What is false?
*An extra point if you can tell me what building wealth actually is.
Name 3 of the 5 Foundations.
What are $500 Emergency Fund, Get out of debt, Pay Cash for a Car, Pay Cash for College, Build Wealth and Give?
You should always use what when scoring a good deal.
What is cash?
This is the most successfully marketed product in history.
What is debt?
When you take responsibility of what you will have more of it.
What is money?
The reasons you should save money. *Hint - 3 reasons
What are emergencies, purchases, and wealth building?
The impact you have on the world is your what.
What is legacy?
The second key to opening the door to huge bargains is what.
What is patience?
What is co-sign?
The four reasons people avoid budgets.
What is straight-jacket connotation, its used to abuse them, has never worked, and fear of what they will find?
The Five Foundations of saving.
What are $500 Emergency Fund, Get out of debt, Pay Cash for Your Car, Pay Cash for College, and Build Wealth and Give?
Name 4 practical ways you can give right now at your age.
What are donate clothes, tutor, volunteer (local shelter, library, Special Olympics, etc.), help neighbors, teach Sunday school, write a thank you letter, do extra chores, help siblings, etc.
The third key to opening the door to huge bargains is what.
What is knowing where to find deals?
Eighty percent of what in America are first generation rich.
What are millionaires?