What are you?
Coping with Change
It helps to know
Someone who learns about and tries new things, asks questions, enrolls in enrichment activities, and stays current with trends
What is a lifelong learner?
An evaluation of the positive and negative attributes of a given career choice.
What is a job analysis?
Advancing to a higher level of skill to increase your usefulness to an employer
What is upgrading?
Continue a family business, Purchase an existing business or franchise, Start a new business from scratch - all three are these
What are opportunities for business ownership?
This action involves making phone calls, sharing lunch, creating opportunities to share ideas
What is networking?
Someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business
What is an entrepreneur?
Sick days, vacation days, and health insurance are all examples of this.
What are job benefits?
Learning new and different skills so that an employee can retain the same level of employability
What is retraining?
Make the decisions, Be your own boss, Feel in control of your own future, Keep the profits - all of these are...
What are advantages of owning a business?
The amount of monthly or annual pay you earn for your labor
What is salary?
One of the highest paying career groups, where being knowledgeable is a key job skill
What is a professional?
This is a list of one's strengths, one's weaknesses, and a plan of action.
What is a self-assessment inventory?
Specialized, intensive programs (taken after obtaining the first college degree) that prepare students for higher-level work responsibilities with more challenges and higher pay
What are advanced degrees?
Large investment of planning and money, & High risk of failure - these are two...
What are disadvantages of owning a business?
South Korea, Mexico, India, and Brazil are all examples of these
What are developing countries?
The daily activities of the job and the environment in which they must be performed
What are work characteristics?
Informal groups of people with common interests who interact for mutual assistance
What are networks?
DAILY DOUBLE!! Enrolling in a course that will teach you new skills that you can bring back to your current job
What is taking classes?
DAILY DOUBLE!! Lack of financing and Lack of skills - these are the two most common reasons for this
What is business failure?
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), Monthly Labor Review, are resources used for this
What is career research (job titles and descriptions)?
These are at many schools, colleges, and technical training institutes to offer services related to careers and employment
What are placement centers?
Any costs of working paid by the employee that are not reimbursed by the employer including parking, tolls, gas
What are employee expenses?
Keeping informed of current events through watching the news, reading books, magazines, newspapers, and publications
What is staying informed?
According to statistics, most new small businesses are successful - True or False.
What is false?
This agreement has opened doors for American businesses to move their production facilities to Mexico and Canada to hire their workers causing the loss of many American jobs
What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?