Money Facts
Managing Personal Finances
Basic Investing

What is the recommended percent should someone put towards their savings 



What currency does the US use?

The United States dollar 


What is budgeting?

The process of calculating how much money you must earn or save during a particular period of time, and of planning how you will spend it


What is one reason why personal finances are important

  • Helps make informed decisions 

  • Retirement plan

  • Saving and Spending

  • Comparing costs of BIG purchases


Who said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world?

Albert Einstein


What are some ways you can save money? (list 2 ways)

- Reduce your expenses

  • Understanding the difference between needs and wants 

  • Needs can include things like rent, clothing, food, etc.

  • Include saving in your budget

- Find ways to cut spending

- Determine your financial priorities


What is the US savings rate?

3.60% (for every $100 someone would make they would only save about $3.60)


How can you start budgeting?

  • Create a budget at the beginning of every month

  • Track your monthly spending 

  • Prioritize debt payments


List two ways you can manage your personal finances responsibly 

  • Learn to budget

  • Save first, spend later 

  • Set financial goals 

  • Learning the differences between needs and wants 


What is basic investing? (list one)

  • It's a way to make money work for you. 

  • Different from saving

  • Your savings grow while you sleep 


Why is saving money important? (list 2 ways) 

  • Avoids debt 

  • Allows you to have money for emergencies 

  • Early retirement 

  • Makes life easier


What percent of Americans are in debt?



How can you stay within your budget? 

hint: two of them have to do with avoiding...

1. impulsive purchases

2. Keeping up to date with the latest trends (fashion, accessories, etc...)

3.  Stay disciplined with your budget


What are things you need to spend your money on

- Insurance for emergencies 

- Shelter (housing, rent, owning)

- Transportation (most likely a car)

- Food, clothes, gas


What is compound interest?

Compound interest is when you earn interest on both the money you've saved and the interest you've already earned.


What is the most basic rule on saving money

Spend less than you earn.


Why are most Americans in debt? (list three reasons)

  • Student loans

  • Robust personal spendings

  • Rising balances on credit cards 

  • Inflation

  • Housing 

  • Mortgages 


What is the biggest difference between budgeting and saving?

The biggest difference between budgeting and saving is budgeting makes it easier to reach your financial goals, and while saving is helpful it is not reliable for a long period.


What percent of Americans have $0 in savings 

A. 10%

B. 34%

C. 40%

D. 50%

B. 34%


Why is investing important?

  • An effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth

  • There are risks that you can lose money

  • In the long term you will end up with more money than you had originally


What country has the highest savings rate?

Ireland with a saving rate of 64.1% 

Ex. a person would typically save $64.10 for every $100 they make 


How many currencies are around the world?

There are 180 currencies around the world.


What is the simple budgeting rule?

  • 50% of your income is for your needs (rent, grocery, bills)

  • 30% of your income for your wants 

  • 20% of your income should be saved


What country has the highest savings rate?

Ireland at 64.1%


What is the most important concept of compound interest?

It is not about how much money you invest, it is about how early you start investing