Disease Prevention
Sleep Habits
Drug and Alcohol Use
Support System

What's the easier way to stop the spread of germs before eating.

Wash your hands


What are the major food groups? (7)

Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Protein Foods, Dairy, Oils & Solid Fats, Added Sugars.


Name a benefit of getting a good nights sleep

Possible amswers reduce risks of heart disease, improve brain activity, and lower stress.


True and false can alcohol and drugs affect men and women differently?



Who can you reach out to if you need help?

anyone you trust


What is the most important hygiene habit?

wash your hands, use a tissue to sneeze, don't share glasses or eating utensils, take a bath daily


how many cups of fruit for teens a day?

2 cups


How long is it recommended for children 12-18 to sleep?

Sleep is incredibly important, so always try to at least sleep the recommended 7-8 hours


How prevelant is drug use before sophomore year? general terms

73% of 10th graders have never used illicit drugs in their lifetime

Who can you reach out to when you are feeling low?

Anyone you trust

Even if you are the healthiest person what else can be a determining factor of health disease?

family history/environment

How many cups of vegetables for teens a day?

2 1/2 cups


Why is sleep important?

It helps our bodies repair themselves!


true or false underage drinking contributes to 3 leading causes of death among persons aged 12 to 20 years



How can someone support you in healthy lifestyle changes? 

accept the changes and help you pursue them


What disease can a mosquito cause?

Malaria, zika virus, dengue fever


How much calcium should a teen have a day?

3 1-cup servings of low-fat or fat-free calcium-rich foods every day. Good sources include yogurt or milk.


Not enough sleep can be a major cause towards what?



Does marijuana use in teens affect your learning when you are sober?

yes! Use of marijuana use among teens is linked to a decline in IQ


How can you talk to someone you are unsure about face to face?

write them a letter or write it out first


What disease can the sun cause?

sun cancer


How much protein should a teen eat a day?

5½ ounces of protein-rich foods every day. Good sources include lean meat, poultry, fish, beans tofu, eggs, nuts or seeds.


Name 3 reasons why it is important to get enough sleep.

possible: Get sick less often; Stay healthier; Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease; Reduce stress, improve your mood, and get along better with people; Think more clearly, form long-term memories, and do better in school and at work.


Name a warning sign of use of alcohol or drug use?

possible: Fatigue, repeated health complaints, red and glazed eyes, a lasting cough, personality change, sudden mood changes, irritability, irresponsible behavior, low self-esteem, poor judgment, depression, a general lack of interest, starting arguments, withdrawal from the family, negative attitude, drop in grades, truancy, and discipline problems, drop of old friends, problems with the law, major changes in dress and music.


Why is it important to have a strong support system?

benefits include higher levels of well-being, better coping skills, and a longer healthier life. Having a support system has also been proven to reduce depression and anxiety and reduce stress