Fitness Careers I
Fitness Careers II
Fitness Careers III
Scout Oath I
Scout Oath II

As a _____, you will need to work hard to instill both motivation and determination in your players, even when your athletes go through plateau periods when they cannot seem to beat their own best time or are on a losing streak. 



These people conduct searches for talented players for various team sports on college and professional levels. 



If you feel you can help motivate athletes, plan and manage practice sessions, instruct groups or individual in the basics of sports, and find and recruit athletes for college-level or professional leagues, and if you like to travel, this may be the career for you. 



As part of your personal fitness program, demonstrate ____ ____ by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law

Scout spirit


What part of the Scout Oath means, by giving your word, you are promising to be guided by the ideals of the Scout Oath?

On my honor


To become a ____, you need a four-year degree in dietetics or nutrition with a nine- to 12-moth internship or completion of an undergraduate program that combines classroom and clinical experience.



A _____ _____ must earn a bachelor of science or higher degree in nutrition science from an accredited college and compete exams required by the American Dietetic Association. 

Registered Dietitian (RD)


People who have trouble using their muscles need the help from?

A physical therapist


Which part of the Scout Oath means that you will try hard to live up to the points of the Scout Oath. Measure your achievements against your own high standards and do not be influenced by peer pressure or what others people do.

I will do my best


Your family and religious leaders teach you about God and the ways you can serve. You do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings every day and by respecting and defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.

To do my duty to God


A person in this career has an education in physiology, health promotion, athletic training, kinesiology, or a similar field. 

Personal Trainer


Good ______ have excellent communication skills and can motivate, lead, instruct, and guide their clients to make better decisions regarding their own personal fitness. 



A person in this career is a medical expert in preventing, recognizing, managing, and rehabilitation injuries that result from physical activity. 

Athletic trainer


Help keep the United States a strong and fair nation by learn gin about our system of government and your responsibilities as a citizen and future voter. The United States is made up of countless families and communities. when you work to improve your community and your home, you are serving your country. Natural resources are another important part of this country’s heritage worthy of your efforts to understand, protect, and use wisely. What you do can make a real difference.

and my country


The 12 points of the Scout Law are guidelines that can lead you toward wise choices. When you obey the Scout Law, other people will respect you for the way you live, and you will respect yourself.

and to obey the Scout Law


A person in this career can prescribe exercise programs for cardiac and pulmonary patients referred by physicians. They teach people about the benefits of exercise. They also evaluate cardiovascular and metabolic effects in people, and help active athletes improve and maintain their health and athletic performance. 

Exercise Physiologist


The degree level and subject held by most exercise physiologists.

Master’s degree in exercise science


A certified ____ ____’s day may include preparing athletes for practice or competition, including taping, bandaging and bracing; evaluating injuries to determine their management and possible referral to another health-care practitioner; and developing treatment and rehabilitation programs. 

Athletic trainer


There are many people who need you. Your cheerful smile and helping hand will ease the burden of many who need assistance. By helping out whenever possible, you are doing your part to make this a better world.

 To help other people at all times. 


Take care of your body so that it will serve you well for an entire lifetime. That means eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly to build strength and endurance. It also means avoiding harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and anything else that can harm your health. 

To keep myself physically strong,


These health professionals use exercises and many other techniques to get their patients moving. They also teach them how to get around using crutches and wheelchairs, and using prosthetic limbs. 

A physical therapist


To become a physical therapist you need what level of education and do what? 

four-year college degree

pass a state-licensing exam


To get into the coaching field, you will need to earn a _____ degree in _____ _____ or a ______ _____ teaching degree.


secondary education

physical education


Develop your mind both in the classroom and outside of school. be curious about everything around you, and work hard to make the most of your abilities. With an inquiring attitude and the willingness to ask questions, you can learn much about the exciting world around you and your role in it. 

mentally awake


To be a person of strong character, your relationships with others should be honest and open. You should respect and defend the rights of all people. Be clean in your speech and actions, and remain faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you practice as a Scout will help you shape a life of virtue. 

and morally straight.