Body Hygiene
Dental Hygiene
Shower Hygiene
Laundry Hygiene
Laundry Bonus Round

How do you define Good Hygiene?

What is: Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health and prevent the spread of diseases


What does proper dental hygiene prevent?

What is: cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.


How often should you shower or bathe?

What is: At least once a day  


How often should you do laundry?

What is: At least once a week. You can do one big load of laundry or a few smaller loads throughout the week.


How much laundry soap should you use for one load? 

What is: Depends on the size of the load

  • Small load (2 to 4 pounds of laundry): 1 tablespoon of detergent
  • Medium load (4 to 6 pounds of laundry): 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of detergent
  • Large load: 4 to 5 tablespoons of detergent
  • Extra-large loads: 8 tablespoons of detergent

What causes body odor?

What is: Dirt, oil and sweat


How many times a day should you brush your teeth?'


How often should you floss?


What is: Two times a day.


Once every day (Best time to floss is at night) 


Name something we use to help eliminate body odor after we get out of the shower.

What is: Deodorant


I can wear my favorite outfit three days in a row without cleaning them. 

True or False 

What is: False. You need to put your dirty clothes in the hamper to be cleaned, even if they are your favorite!!


Does a washing machine get clothes clean all the time?

Answer: NO 

What is another alternative to use besides a washing machine? 


Why can people smell me, but I can't?

What is: It is known as odor fatigue. Our sense of smell is just exhausted by all familiar odors that it decides to stop detecting it. 

Meaning: We may not always notice our smell, but other people definitely do. This is why showering every day is important. 


About how long should you brush your teeth for?

What is: Two minutes 


How should you wash your feet & body? 

a. With soap and a wash cloth, making sure that you get into the nooks and crannies. Then drying well with a towel

b. No need to use soap, just rinse off in the shower 

c. Just spray with perfume and apply deodorant everywhere 

d. Just wash with soap.

What is: a. With soap and a wash cloth, making sure that you get into the nooks and crannies. Then drying well with a towel


True or False? You can wear your socks more than once in a week before being washed?

What is: False!!!!!! Only once!! After one wear, socks can become smelly and gross and will need to be washed so they can be cleaned. 

(Trapped sweat, odor and bacteria can be in your socks if worn more than once, this can lead to fungal infection/ athlete's foot.)


How do you sort your clothes before you put them in the laundry?

What is: Darks and Lights 


What area on your body is not important to clean in the shower?

What is: NONE. Clean EVERYWHERE (especially private parts, underarms, head, and hands)


Where does bacterial plaque stay the longest, and can cause bad breath?

a. Teeth 

b. Tongue

 c. Gums 

d. Hair follicles  

What is: b. Tongue 


Sweat glands in your scalp, dead skin cells and excess oil in your scalp can make unwashed hair smelly. 

True or False? 

What is: True

(unwashed hair includes your beard)


What should you be washing your clothes with? 

What is: Laundry detergent (liquid or powder), fabric softener, bleach (for whites) etc. 

*Remember to use dryer sheets* 


What happens when you put too many clothes in one load?

What is: Overloading your washing machine can lead to several issues:

  1. Poor Cleaning: Clothes may not get cleaned properly because they don’t have enough space to move around and agitate.
  2. Detergent Residue: Excess detergent might not rinse out completely, leaving residue on your clothes.
  3. Wrinkling: Clothes can come out more wrinkled since they are packed tightly together.
  4. Longer Drying Time: Overloaded loads take longer to dry, whether in a dryer or on a line.

What is going to happen if you come to work with bad hygiene?



How often should you switch out your toothbrush?

What is: 3 months - 4 months

Or after you are sick! 


When you don't take a shower, girls think body odor is hot. 

True or False

What is: False. Girls do not like the smell of body odor, there is nothing HOT about it. 

 Girls think body odor is gross!


Should you rewash a load of clothes if they smell?

What is: Yes, if your clothes still smell after washing, it’s a good idea to rewash them. Lingering odors can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • Detergent residue: Sometimes, detergent can build up on clothes, trapping odors.
  • Overloading the washer: If the washer is too full, clothes might not get cleaned properly.
  • Mildew: Leaving wet clothes in the washer for too long can cause mildew, leading to unpleasant smells.

To address this, you can try using a bit more detergent, adding a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Also, make sure to dry the clothes promptly after washing to prevent mildew.


What are three essential steps for loading a washer?

What is: 

  1. Sort Your Laundry: Separate clothes by color, fabric type, and soil level to prevent color bleeding and ensure proper cleaning.

  2. Load Evenly: Distribute clothes evenly around the drum, leaving enough space for them to move freely. Avoid overloading to ensure effective washing.

  3. Select the Right Cycle: Choose the appropriate wash cycle based on the fabric type and soil level to protect your clothes and achieve the best cleaning results.