"Are you hurt or not, Bro!"
"Blame Game 101"
"Insurance Shenanigans"
"Medical Bills and Thrills"

When a client keeps asking, "why is my case taking so long?" this is a clear, light-hearted way to respond. 

What is, “Think of it like slow-cooking a delicious meal. Rushing it could lead to a bad result, but we want to serve up the best outcome possible!”


This is one of the most significant factors in determining the value of a personal injury case. 

What is "Medical Management?"


This is the legal term for identifying fault.

What is "liability" or "negligence. 


This is the best response when a client asks, "What does it mean when the insurance company says they're denying my claim?"

What is "you are at fault. No money. Go home. Stop calling us." 


You tell the client, "Don’t worry about this amount on your medical bill, it’s what the insurance wrote off and you won’t owe it."

What is an "Insurance Adjustment?" 


You should contact each client, at least this often.

What is "30 Days?" 


Preventing this in a client's treatment will help tell the insurance company the full story of their injury.

What are "gaps in treatment?" 


This is the best way to explain the legal concept of liability to a client who's not familiar with legal jargon. 

What is "liability is figuring out who's responsible for the mess?" 


This insurance covers typically covers 100% of medical expenses for the insured after a car accident, up to the policy limit exhausting.

What is "PIP?" 


When a client asks why their bill is so high, you can explain, 'The amount hospitals charge, which is often much more than what insurance or we will pay.

What is the billed amount or full medical charge?


While on the phone, I say this to the client, when I don't have the answer for them immediately.

What is "let me check with the attorney, and I'll get right back to you?" 


This is the witty and rhyming saying you are told if you don't provide medical documentation. 

What is "If the doctor don't say it, the insurance won't pay it?" 


In a car accident, if both drivers are found to be partially at fault, this principle determines how damages are divided.

What is comparative negligence?


This refers to the maximum amount an insurance company will pay for a single claim or multiple claims within a policy period, regardless of the number of claims or claimants.

What are "Policy Limits?"


This term refers to verifying that all billed medical services are directly related to the accident injury, and unrelated charges should be removed from liens. You can use these codes to check the relevance of treatments.

What are "CPT codes?"


This website is your go-to for checking if your car’s value is high enough to cover your last impulse purchase, like that inflatable unicorn pool float

What is the NADA Guides website?


In SOAP notes, this section contains the patient’s own descriptions of their symptoms and how they feel about their condition."

What are "Subjective Complaints?" 


"In a slip-and-fall case, this type of notice argues that the property owner should have known about and fixed the hazardous condition."

What is "constructive notice?"


This medical exam is directed by the client's insurance company to make certain all their treatment is needed and related to the accident. 

What is an "IME?"


This type of lien allows healthcare providers to wait to be paid out of the settlement proceeds. 

What is a "Letter of Protection (LOP)?"

If a client describes their car as a ‘classic’ but it looks more like a relic from the junkyard, this website helps the paralegal educate the client on the real actual cash value of that clunker.

What is the NADA Guides website?


This type of document is provided by a healthcare professional to confirm that a client's injuries have resulted in permanent or long-lasting impairments, which is crucial for determining compensation in a personal injury case.  

What is a permanency letter?


This term refers to the legal concept where fault is assigned to one party due to their actions or inactions leading to an accident.

What is "Strict Liability?" 


This term refers to the practice of using multiple insurance policies to cover the same risk, making sure you’re not just doubling up on coverage but potentially getting more bang for your buck.

What is stacking insurance policies?


"This process involves negotiating to lower the amounts owed for medical bills, liens, or subrogation interests in a personal injury case. This aims to maximize the client’s settlement amount and ease their financial burden.

What is "Balance Reduction?"