1st Person Personal Pronouns
2nd Person Personal Pronouns
3rd Person Personal Pronouns
Intensive Pronouns

Who is ego? Give the number and case.

What is, I? (singular, nominative)


Who is tu? Give the number and case.

What is you? (singular, nominative)


This person of the personal pronouns DOES have gender.

What is the third person?

Demonstratives do this.

What is "to point out" ?


These are the intensive pronouns.

What is ipse, ipsa, ipsud ?


Who is me? Give all possible options for number and case.

What is I/me? {singular - accusative (me) or ablative (by/with/from me)}


Who is te? Give all possible options for number and case.

Who is you? {singular - accusative (you) or ablative (by/with/from you)}


The direction(s) the 3rd person personal pronouns are chanted in.

What is across, and then down? 


The demonstrative pronoun hic/haec/hoc means ___ in the singular and ___ in the plural, and usually refers to something or someone near the speaker.

What is "this" and "these" ? (Ex: This is my dog. These are my children.)


The intensive pronouns ipse, ipsa, ipsum follow the same declension pattern as ___.

What is ille ?


Who is nobis referring to? Give all possible options for number and case.

What is us? {plural - dative (to/for us) or ablative (by/with/from us)}


Who is vobis referring to? Give all possible options for number and case.

What is you (ya'll)? {plural - dative (to/for ya'll) or ablative (by/with/from ya'll)}


The 3rd person PLURAL personal pronouns share the same endings with these noun declensions, making them easier to remember. (The stem of "e" is added to the beginning for the pronouns.)

What are the 1st and 2nd declension noun endings?


The demonstrative pronoun ille/illa/illud means ___ in the singular or ___ in the plural and usually refers to something or someone at a distance from the speaker.

What is  "that" and "those" ? (Ex: That apple tree over there has blossoms.)

This is the purpose of the intensive pronouns. 

What is to bring special emphasis on the nouns they modify? (Ex: Hannibal himself...)


The 1st person plural personal pronoun(s) that tells the partitive genitive. (Ex: A part of us goes with you.)

What is nostri or nostrum


The 2nd person plural personal pronoun(s) that tells the partitive genitive. (Ex: A piece of ya'lls pizza is here.)

What is vestri or vestrum?


These 3rd person PLURAL personal pronouns are the same across all genders, in this case.

What is the dative case? (eis)


The demonstrative iste/ista/istud also means ___ but refers to an object that is near the person to whom the speaker is referring.

What is "that" ? (Ex: What is that thing next to you?")


In order to discern which of the numerous translations is the best choice, you must do this.

What is watch the context clues of the sentence/passage?

The 1st person plural personal pronoun that means "we" in Latin. Give the nominative and the accusative cases.

What is nos? (nominative and accusative)


The 2nd person plural personal pronoun that means "you all" in Latin. Give the nominative and the accusative cases.

What is vos? (nominative and accusative)


These 3rd person SINGULAR personal pronouns are the same across all genders, in these TWO cases.

What are the 1st and 2nd declension noun endings?


The genitive singular forms of ille and iste are similar to the genitive singular forms of hic, haec, hoc but note this one difference. 

What is the "long i" in the ending "ius" ?


Translate Ego ipse te vidi!

What is, I myself saw you!