Community Helpers
Tell me five different people who are part of this role

List family members (example: Mom, Dad, sister, cousins, aunt, uncle, grandparents)


Tell me two examples of who you would be friends with

Someone who I play with a lot, A person I hangout at school with, Someone I would invite to my house to play, Someone I like hanging out with, Someone who I care about but isn't related to me.


Give me two examples of an acquaintance

I know their name but I don't hangout with alot, A friend of a friend that I see sometimes, Community helpers
Give me five examples of community helpers

Doctor, Nurse, Teacher, Principal, Dentist, Police, Firefighter, Plumber, etc.


Give me two examples of a stranger

When you don't know someone's name, When you see someone for the first time, Someone you haven't talked to before


True or False: Your Mom tells you that her sister's son is coming over for the week. This kid is part of your family.

True: Mom's sister's son is your cousin. Another name would be your Mom's nephew. 


True or False: Someone you see everyday in class is your friend.

False: In order for that person to be your friend, you spend time together, have common interest in games or activities and you care about this person.


True or False: Someone you see in class everyday is an acquaintance

True: You might know this kid's name but you don't spend time with them outside of class.


True or False: A librarian is someone who keeps you safe.

False: A librarian can help you find a book in a library. Someone who keeps you safe would be a police officer


True or False: If you see someone in the store and they say hi to you but you don't know their name then they are a stranger



Is it okay for your Mom to help you get dressed if you were hurt? Why?

Yes. Close family members help others when they are hurt. Getting dressed is personal so you would want your Dad, Mom, or Someone you are married to help you get dressed.


Is it okay to tell your friend that your parents got in a fight last night?

Yes. If this person is someone you know really well, it is nice to confide in someone. But you should still be careful what you share with people.


Is it okay to tell someone who play games with online your birthday?

No. Someone you play games with online is an acquaintance-you don't know a lot about them. You share personal information with community helpers, family, and friends.


Is it okay to tell the police where you live?

Yes. The police need that information to help you or to uphold the law. They might need that information to get you home safe or to give you a ticket if you broke the law.


Is it okay to give a ride to someone who tells you their name but it is the first time you talked to them?

No. Strangers should not get in the car with you. Even if you know their name you don't know anything about that person.


Tell me three appropriate behaviors you do with family. (Note: This can't be something you could do also with any other relationship.)

Live with family, I go on vacation with family, I share personal information about myself and my body with family.


Tell me three behaviors that would NOT be appropriate with friends

Sharing personal information about my body, watching inappropriate videos, touching friends personal space


Tell me three appropriate behaviors you do with acquaintances

Work on group projects with kids at school, Invite someone to come over to your house when your parents are home. Say hi to someone at the store you have seen before.


Tell me three situations where you talk with a community helper

When you are lost you can call the police for help. If someone is bullying you at school you can talk to the principal. If you can't find something you need at the grocery store you can ask the cashier for help


Tell me three behaviors that would NOT be appropriate with strangers

Letting them in your house, being someone alone with strangers, giving private information to someone you don't know, getting a ride or giving a ride


You are at the supermarket and you see your cousin running over to hug you. What do you do?

Say hi. You can hug them or you can give them a high five. Ask them how they are doing, etc.


Your friend asks you to use your bathroom when they are hanging out at home. What should you do?

Show them where the bathroom is and give them some privacy.


Someone you see at school call you after school one day. What should you do?

Talk to them and see why they are calling. 


You are at a public library and you see your teacher. What could you do?

Tell them hi, see how they are doing, etc.


You are at the park, and a stranger smiles at you and then asks for your help. What should you do?

Tell them, "Sorry I can't help right now". Walk away and make sure you are around people. Find or call a family member.