Safety at Home
Safety on the Way
Safety in Your Community
Safety Online
First Aid

What is a risk?

A risk is a potentially harmful chance


What is a pedestrian?

Anyone who travels on foot

What is violence? 
The use of physical force to harm someone

Giving away personal information to strangers?

Unsafe Habit


What is first aid?

The care first given to a person who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be supplied


What are the five elements of the accident chain?

The situation, an unsafe habit, unsafe act, an accident, and the result of the accident. 


What are some bicycle safety rules?

Always wear a helmet, ride with traffic, look back before turning, use light and reflective clothing, 


What are some things that cause violence?

Anger, Drugs and Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Prejudice, Gun Possession. 


Asking to use someone phone when phone dies?

Safe and Unsafe Habit

What is Rescue Breathing?

It is a substitute for normal breathing in which someone forces air into the victim's lung


What is a hazard?

Possible source of harm


How do you prevent falls?

Wipe up spills right away, keep steps and stairs well lit and free of objects, do not run on wet floors, use sturdy objects to get around.


What are programs or people at school design to prevent arguments from turning into violence?

Counselors, Health Classes, Violence prevention programs 


Walking a unfamiliar place with a friend. What kind of habit is this?

Safe Habit


What are ways to stop or slow severe bleeding?

Apply direct and steady pressure to the wound, Use a combination of direct pressure and pressure to the main artery leading to the wound, Carefully raise the bleeding body part above the level of the heart


What is a smoke alarm?

Device making a warning noise when it senses smoke


What are some electrical hazard rules?

Do not use appliances with frayed wires, pull out the plug itself, not the cord, keep electrical products away from water, Do not use an electrical product if it is wet. 


What are some measures that are being used to keep violence out of schools?

Dress code, Metal detectors, Security Guards, Video camera on buses and school grounds


How many different types of burns are there?

3. First, second, third degree burns.


What is choking?

A condition that occurs when a person's airway becomes blocked

What are the three safety rules?

Do not give in to peer pressure

Think before you act

Know your own limits


Show me the turn signal for right and left turns.


What are Neighborhood Watch Programs?

Police train residents to look for and report suspicious activity in the neighborhood 


Why must you support the child neck when they are choking?

Babies can not control the heads 


What are the emergency first aid steps for the first five minutes?

Rescue the victim, Check if the victim's breathing, Control severe bleeding, Get medical help