What should you do if your classmate gets in your bubble?
You should show them your bubble and say "please move" in a calm voice
What does someone say to you if you are in their personal space bubble?
"Please move"
Hug someone without asking first.
Space Invader
Show us your personal space bubble
Stand up and show us!
What should you do if you get into someone's bubble?
You should listen and look, in case they show you their bubble, say "please move" or look uncomfortable.
What does someone's eyes look like when you're in their bubble?
Worried, angry, or nervous
Asking for a High Five.
Space Respecter
Show us what you do if someone is in your bubble.
Act it out
You say, "please move" to your classmate, but they don't move! What should you do?
You should tell them to "please move" again, and then move if they are still in your bubble. If they still don't move, tell an adult or helper.
What does someone's mouth look like when you are in their bubble?
Frown, pouting, smiling uncomfortable
Standing an arm length away.
Space Respecter
Show us what you look like if someone is in your bubble.
Act it out
You want to hug your friend, but you don't know how big their bubble is that day?
You should ask them if you can hug them. If they say "no" then don't hug them.
What does someone's body do when you are in their bubble?
Leaning away from you, tense, arms showing their personal space bubble.
Try to pick up someone.
Space Invader
Show us what you do if someone says, "Please move" to you.
Act it out
Your bubble is different from the day before.
You should let people know what your bubble is for the day.
How does someone else feel when you are invading their personal space bubble?
Angry, scared, frustrated, worried, mad, sad.
Saying something nice to someone.
Space Respecter
Show us a big bubble and a small bubble.
Act it out