Name 2 people you can go to for help if you are struggling with your mental health
Dr., parent, counselor, teacher, freind, etc.
When a person is trying to convince a child something through a video game.
Game lure
This is emitted from your cell phone which is not good for your brain.
Blue light.
Ms. R's chicken
What is mental health
A person's emotional well-being that affects thoughts, feelings, and actions
Although it helps us connect with others, it can also bring us down emotionally and mentally.
Social media
When consumed too much, it can lead to tooth decay, weight gain, and increase the risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Other than being a teacher, what else is Ms. R?
An artist
What is physical health?
A persons physical activity level, diet, nutrition, sleep cycle and drug and alcohol consumption.
A state of being illness/injury free
Someone older than you that you trust to confide in and/or tell a secret.
A safe adult
True or False?
When one of the seven wellness domains isn't met, every other domain is most likely affected.
The beloved cats.
Chuck and Gladys
How many hours of sleep should you be getting every night?
Why should we be cautious when speaking with strangers online?
You don't know who they really are.
This term describes the limits we set to protect ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally in relationships and interactions.
Ms. R was born here.
Is spiritual health only about religion?
The precautions and measures taken to protect oneself from online threats and dangers.
Online safety
Most common way amongst teens to inhale nicotine.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
700 pounds