Personality psychologists who adhere to the ________ approach try to understand people by way of identifying, conceptualizing, and measuring the ways in which people differ psychologically from one another.

What is trait


Is narcissism always a bad trait?

No, narcissists are highly persuasive and often make competent leaders.


The personality paradigm that focuses on rewards and punishments is known as the ________ paradigm.

What is behaviorist?


One critique of personality psychology is that it “pigeonholes” people. What does pigeonholing someone mean?

What is categorizing and labeling people


Another name for the Rorschach Test

What is the ink blot test?


Jeff suspects that his roommate’s sexist jokes may indicate that his roommate has some hidden, unconscious hostility toward women or that he feels very insecure around women. Jeff’s analysis suggests a ________ approach to personality.

What is psychoanalytic 


Name one objective test.

What is CPI, MMPI, NFC, Big 5...?


The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) is a recording device worn in participants’ pockets that records samples of audio the participant hears throughout the day. The EAR collects what type of data?

Who is B data?


There is a possibility that individuals are so accustomed to certain aspects of their personality that they might not be aware of those traits. This is called the ________ effect.

What is fish-and-water?


________ tests aim to gain insight into personality by interpreting individuals’ open-ended responses, whereas ________ tests evaluate individuals’ responses to specific questions with predetermined response options.

What is projective; objective?


According to the text, personality’s greatest strength, understanding whole persons, is also its greatest weakness. Which term describes this fundamental observation?

What is Funder's first law


The basis of the ________ method of test construction is to come up with items that seem directly, obviously, and logically related to what it is you wish to measure.

What is rational?


Dr. Liao is interested in studying the relation between mood and willingness to help a stranger. Every participant in her study completes a mood-rating questionnaire and is then given an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Liao is using a(n) ________ design.

What is correlational?


The major difference between the experimental and correlational methods is that in the experimental method the presumed causal variable is ________, whereas in the correlational method the same variable is ________.

What are manipulated; measured?


A method created by Henry Murray and Christiana Morgan to reveal the subconscious dynamics of a person't personality.

What is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?


This component of psychodynamic theory contains the conscience & ego-ideal and contributes moral imperatives.

What is the superego?


Imagine that you want to develop a test to measure depression. You gather a set of 100 potential test items and ask a sample of people diagnosed with clinical depression and a sample of nondepressed people to respond to the items. For your final version of the test, you decide to keep only the 15 items that the depressed and nondepressed groups answered differently. You are using a(n) ________ method of test construction.

Who is empirical?


Why haven’t personality psychologists combined all paradigms into One Big Theory?

What is a theory that tries to explain everything would probably not provide the best explanation for any one thing?


According to a study reported in the text, researchers were able to predict individuals’ level of conscientiousness and openness to experience based solely on various aspects of their bedrooms. This study used ________ data to assess personality.

What is L?


On Friday, Terence completes the Self-Monitoring Scale and receives a score of 49. On the following Tuesday, he fills out the scale again and receives a score of 28. Terence’s scores on the Self-Monitoring Scale do not appear to be

What is reliable?


Name the elements of the psychological triad

What are behavior, thoughts and feelings?


Dr. Gardiner wants to conduct a replication of a well-known study. Broadly speaking, what function does this replication serve?

What is it is an indication of the stability of the results?


the big 5 personality traits acronym.

What is OCEAN (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion/introversion, agreeableness, neuroticism)


What are two limitations of projective tests?

What are they are relatively inefficient, lacking in validity, and expensive to administer?


Which kind of data would be the easiest way to obtain information about the content of dreams?

What is S?