What is personality?
Characteristics of Personality Disorders
When does your personality become maladaptive?
Types of Personality Disorders
Nursing Process
__________ is the totality of emotional & behavioral characteristics that are particular to a specific person & that remain somewhat stable & predictable over time.
What is personality?
Patients with personality disorders are known to be very manipulative and generally cause ________.
What is staff splitting?
Personality disorders develop when personality traits become _________ & _________ AND _________________________________
1. maladaptive and inflexible 2. cause significant functional impairment or manipulative behavioral patterns
There are __ classes of personality disorders.
What is "3"?
Assessment of personality disorders include ...
1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2. Full medical history 3. Psychological history (risk of suicide, risk of harm, meds, legal history)
One's personality is developed from both _________ & __________ factors. Examples would include heredity, temperament, experiential learning, and social interaction.
What biological and sociological factors?
Patients with personality disorders have problems with ________ _________ and _________ _________.
What are impulse control and decision making?
Personality disorders are not typically seen by themselves. They are usually paired with a _____________ or _________.
What are "mental illness" and "substance abuse"?
Patients with __________ personality disorders are described as being odd and eccentric. Types of this group of personality disorder include paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal.
What is "cluster A"?
Name 3 nursing diagnoses for a patient with a personality disorder.
1. Risk of self-directed violence related to poor impulse control 2. Anxiety related to fear of rejection (or fear of separation/ fear of embarrassment) 3. Social isolation related to inability to trust (or fear of relationships)
_________ and ________ are examples of personality traits believed to be present at birth.
What are extroversion and introversion?
Name the 4 common characteristics associated with patients who suffer from personality disorders.
1. inflexible and maladaptive responses to stress 2. unable to form social or professional relationships 3. evoke interpersonal conflict 4. cause irritation or distress in others
The goal of treatment for patients with personality disorders is to ...
What is "decrease inflexibility and interference of person's daily life & relationships"?
Aside from having myasthenia gravis, we could see Lucious Lyon having this type of personality disorder. He has an exaggerated sense of self-worth, lacks empathy, and a sense of entitlement.
What is narcissistic personality disorder?
Outcomes are based on _____________, _______________, and ________________.
1. Managing symptoms 2. Decreasing incidence of crises 3. Improving quality of life & adaptive functioning
Personality is ________ and ________ to change.
What are "unconscious" and "hard"?
Personality disorders are ________ to treat.
What is hard?
Explain how nursing interventions are developed for patients with personality disorders.
Something along the lines of them being based on what area of the patient's life of worse.
Patients with __________ personality disorders are described as anxious or fearful. Types of this group of personality disorders include avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive.
What is "cluster C"?
Nursing care for clients with personality disorders is aimed at ...
Ensuring safety of client and others, Helping client recognize and decrease unacceptable behaviors, Assist client to gain insight into own behaviors, Managing crises, Setting limits, Improving socialization
It is important for a nurse to know what _______ personality develop is so that they can spot when it is maladaptive.
What is normal?
People with personality disorders are seen as “aggravating” or “demanding”. It is important to perform a _____________ when dealing with them as nurse
What is a self-assessment?
In the 1800s, personality disorder was originally referred to as __________
What is "moral insanity"?
After his years with B6-13, Huck always seems to be on edge! We could see him having this personality disorder. Huck has a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others. He's constantly on guard, hypervigalent, and oversensitive.
What is paranoid personality disorder?
Name the treatment modalities for personality disorders.
Psychotherapy, Milieu or Group Therapy, Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy, Case Management, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Psychopharmacology,