What is a go-getter?
A person who is determined and works hard to achieve his goals.
My cousin is always happy. She's a real ____.
happy camper.
" I don't want to change my routine".
Set in one's ways.
Opposite of "a happy camper"?
A moaning Minnie.
Act out "a happy camper".
Smile, show excitement, give a thumbs up.
What is a cheapskate?
A person who doesn't like to spend money with himself / herself or with other people.
He never talks to anyone. He's such a _____.
cold fish.
'Let's work hard and get that promotion".
Opposite of "a people person"?
A cold fish.
Act out "a moaning Minnie".
Complain about the weather, food, or life.
What does "has a screw loose" mean?
A person who acts crazily or strangely.
Lisa is always complaining. She's a real _______.
moaning Minnie.
"This party is awful! The music is too loud".
Wet blanket
Opposite of "a go-getter"?
A wimp.
Act out "a go-getter".
Show someone working hard, running, or reaching a goal.
What does "set in your ways" mean?
A person who doesn't like changes prefer to keep the routine.
Tom never pays his share. He's a ______.
"Aliens control the government!"
Has a screw loose.
Opposite of "full of beans"?
A wet blanket.
Act out a wet blanket".
Cross arms, look bored, say " I don't like this".
What does "full of beans" mean?
A person full of energy.
Sarah is always making things happen. She's a _____.
mover and shaker
"I love talking to new people!"
People person
Opposite of "a mover and shaker"?
Someone set in their ways.
Act out "someone who has a screw loose".
Do something funny or strange.