
What is this person thinking?

- Storms are scary

- I really don't like storms


Get a gift for:

Name: Hunter

Age: 16

Favorite Colors: Blue and Red

Likes: His new car, country music, snowboarding, sweatshirts

Dislikes: Video Games, The Packers, puzzles

Anything related to likes!


Beth is trying to do her work and her classmate, Thomas, is loudly stomping his foot to the beat of a song in his headphones. How might Beth be feeling?

Annoyed, mad, distracted


What do you see?

You can see anything! Depends on your perspective


What might the boy with the glasses be thinking?

Are they laughing at me?

I'm sad people always pick on me.


Name: Georgia


Favorite Color: Green

Likes: Disney, Fun socks, sloths, Kool-Aid, Crocheting 

Dislikes: Sweaters, the color orange, jewlery

Anything related to likes!


A girl is sitting at a lunch table alone while the rest of the class sits together, talking and laughing. How might she be feeling?

sad, left out, uncomfortable


Talk to the person on your right. Ask them what they see and explain what you see. What is one detail you saw differently?

Answers might differ: ask Ms. Natalie


What might Peppa Pig be thinking after hearing her friend whistle on the first try?

How can she whistle so easily?

Why can't I do it that easily?

I can't believe she can whistle and I can't.


Price range: $20-$30

Name: John

Age: 62

Favorite Color: Gray

Likes: Going on walks, mystery books, cooking

Dislikes: Birds, colorful clothings, driving/cars

Anything related to likes! Within price range


Patrick and Matt are talking to each other when all of a sudden Matt sneezes all over Patrick without covering his mouth or nose. How does Patrick feel?



Bob is researching pandas and comes across this image. What might he see?

A Panda


How can you tell what someone is thinking or feeling?

Body language, facial expressions, the situation


You're getting a gift for the person on your right. You have $20 to spend...what would you get them (theoretically)? (don't ask!)

Is it within price range and did they confirm they would like it?


Sandra is walking with her lunch tray and trips in the lunchroom. Her tray goes flying and she's on the ground. Other students are laughing at her. What might she be thinking?

- Why do I always embarrass myself?

- I hate that other people are laughing right now.

- Now I have to get another lunch...


Ms. Natalie is taking the inkblot test and sees this image. Ms. Natalie absolutely loves animals and has a dog. What might she see?

A dog!


You see a new student eating lunch alone. What might you do in this situation?

Could I eat my lunch with you? or Would you like to come join me and ____ at our table?


You have $10 to spend on Ms. Bergmann's birthday gift. What would you get her given what you know about her?

Within price range and Ms. Bergmann agrees


Cassie and Johanna both auditioned for the netball team. Cassie got a position on the team, but Johanna did not.

What is Cassie thinking?

What is Johanna thinking?

Cassie might be thinking "yay! I made the team"

Johnanna might be thinking "How come I didn't make the team"


Person next to you: Think in your head what you see in this inkblot. Now, the person that had this question...what might the person next to you be seeing? (without asking!!!)

Answers may vary... ask Ms. Natalie. Sometimes we can never guess another person's perspective.