What are they thinking?
What are they feeling?
How do you know?
Interpersonal Negotiation
You see a little boy laying on the ground holding his arm and crying. You see a bike in the grass beside him.
I fell off my bike/ my arm hurts

A mother is frowning at a little boy who ate a cookie before he ate dinner. How is she feeling?



A girl is crying while her mom gives her a band-aid. How is she feeling?  How do you know?

Hurt, she's crying and needs a bandaid

Tom wants cheese pizza and Jane wants pepperoni. They can only buy one pizza. What can they do?
buy a half cheese/ half pepperoni pizza
You see a girl sitting at a desk with a pencil and paper with a confused expression on her face. What is she thinking?
this homework is hard!

Two boys are playing with Legos and building a castle together. How are they feeling?



A boy is looking out the window at the orange and red leaves falling to the ground.  What season is it?  How do you know?

Fall, orange and red leaves


Macy and Joe are playing video games. Macy wants to play Minecraft. Joe really wants to show Macy what he learned on Star Wars Jedi. What can they do?

Joe and Macy can choose which game to play first and which game to play second.

You see a man with a surprised facial expression surrounded by people wearing birthday hats. What is the man thinking?
I cant believe it's a surprise birthday party!

A girl is sitting at a lunch table alone while the rest of the class sits together, talking and laughing. How is she feeling?

sad, left out, uncomfortable


A mother is pointing her finger at a puppy holding a torn pillow and has her eyebrows pointed down and is frowning. What did the dog do?  How does the mother feel?  How do you know?

He tore the pillow, she's angry, she's pointing at the puppy, frowning, and her eyebrows are pointed down.


There is only one piece of chocolate cake left at the school cafeteria. Chris and Mary both reach for the piece of cake at the same time. What can they do?

They can split the cake between each other.

a man is smiling at a dog at the park and petting it and throwing a toy.
i love my dog, i like playing with my dog.

Charlie takes Kara's cell phone and uses it without asking. What is Kara feeling? 

Uncomfortable, angry


A dog is wagging his tail and jumping up and down when he sees his owner. How does the dog feel?

Happy/excited, the dog is wagging his tail and jumping.


Haley and Ashley are working on a group project together. Haley really wants to research Italy and Ashley really wants to research Spain. What can they do?

They can choose a country that they both can agree on.

Stacy and Ryan are in line at the grocery store to pay for their food. A lady gets behind them in line and pushes them, yelling "Hurry up"! What are Stacy and Ryan thinking?
That lady is rude

Patrick and Matt are talking to each other when all of a sudden Matt sneezes all over Patrick without covering his mouth or nose. How does Patrick feel?



I put on my jacket and went outside.  The leaves blew around my face as I walked to school.  What is the weather like?  How do you know?

Cool and windy, you need a jacket and the leaves are blowing

The Mitchell family is taking a vacation. Ms. Mitchell wants to go to the beach but Mr. Mitchell wants to go to an amusement park. What can they do?
The Mitchell's can look at other vacation options and pick a place where there is a beach and an amusement park or pick a different place they both agree on.