What are they thinking?
What are they
How do you know?
Empathy or
Not Empathy?

You see a boy laying on the ground holding his arm and crying. You see a bike in the grass beside him. 

I fell of my bike or my arm really hurts 


A girl is sitting at lunch table alone while the rest of the class sits together, talking and laughing. How is she feeling? 

Sad, left out, uncomfortable 


A girl is crying while her mom gives her a band-aid. She is ______ because ______

She is crying because she got hurt. She needs the band-aid to cover her wound.  


You didn't do so good on the science test. Your classmate looks over your test and says. "Ha Ha you aren't smart." 

Is that empathy or not empathy? 

Not empathy 


What are your plans for Halloween? 

answers vary....


You see a your classmate looking down at her paper with a confused expression on her face. What is she thinking? 

This assignment/test is hard! 


Charlie takes Jacob's video game controller without asking. How does Jacob feel? 

Upset, angry 


The woman is pointing her finger at the puppy holding a torn pillow. She is _____ because _____ 

She is angry because the puppy tore the pillow. 


You won the robotics tournament and you told your friends the next day. They said, "Congratulations! We are so happy for you" 

Is that having empathy or not empathy? 



What is your favorite movie to watch on Halloween? 



You see a man with a surprised facial expression surrounded by people wearing birthday hats. What is the man thinking? 

I can't believe it's a surprise party!


Your class had perfect attendance for this week and you all get to have a pizza party. How is your class feeling? 

Happy, excited 


Your dad said, "I can't believe you did that!" and pointing at the broken window. He is _______ because______

He is mad because you broke the window. 


Your friend is sick. So you tell him "I hope you feel better soon" 

Is that empathy or not empathy? 



1. What is your favorite candy? 

2. What candy do you not like? 



Your mom is looking at you with an angry expression on her face. She is pointing to the mess in the kitchen. What is she thinking? 

Why can't you clean up after yourself! 

Why didn't you clean up? 


You dropped your phone on the floor and now the screen is cracked. How do you feel? 

Upset, frustrated

Peter is scratching his head and looking at the lego pieces for the ship set. He is ______ because _____. 

He is confused because he doesn't know how to build it. 


You saw someone got hurt during P.E. They started to cry. 

You say, "Stop crying! Don't be such a baby!" 

Is that empathy or not empathy? 

Not empathy. 

What could you say instead? 


Out of all of the costumes you've had, which one was your favorite?  



Stephanie and Matt  are in line at the grocery store to pay for their food. A lady gets behind them in line and pushes them, yelling "Hurry up!". What are Stephanie and Matt thinking? 

That lady is rude. 


Patrick and Josh are talking to each other when all of a sudden Patrick sneezes all over Josh without covering his mouth or nose. How does Josh feel? 



Monica is crying and she putting up "Lost Puppy" signs all over the neighborhood. She is ______ because _____

She is sad because her puppy is missing. 


Your mom said she is really tired from work today. She see's that the trash needs to be thrown out. You say, "Mom, I'll take out the trash. You can relax" 

Is that empathy or not empathy?



What has been your favorite Halloween memory? 
