This goddess of spring was picking flowers when Hades took her to the Underworld
Who is Persephone?
This was Persephone's new title after marrying Hades
What is Queen of the Underworld?
When her daughter disappeared, this harvest goddess searched for her.
A: Who is Demeter?
Hades used these flowers to lure Persephone away from her mother
What are narcissus flowers?
As Persephone's father and king of gods, Zeus allowed this god to take his daughter for 6 mouths of the year
Who is Hades?
This worried mother goddess caused winter by searching for her daughter Persephone
Who is Demeter?
: These two rivers of the Underworld that Persephone had to cross were called Styx and…
What is Acheron?
The only one who told Demeter about Persephone's kidnapping was this sun god who saw everything
Who is Helios?
Hades opened this in the Earth to take Persephone to his kingdom
A: What is a crack in the ground
When the Earth was dying, Zeus had to make this choice about Persephone
What is sending Hermes to bring her back?
Eating these seeds in the Underworld forced Persephone to stay with Hades for part of each year
What are pomegranate seeds?
This three-headed dog guarded the entrance to Persephone's new home
Who is Cerberus?
: Demeter made the Earth into an eternal winter until Zeus agreed to do this
What is return Persephone?
Though forced to share his bride, Hades made Persephone this in both worlds
A: What is a Queen? (or Queen of the Underworld and Queen of Spring)
Zeus ignored these cries for help from his daughter Persephone for this long
What is 9 days?
The number of pomegranate seeds Persephone ate, leading to the months she must spend in the Underworld
: What are six seeds?
Persephone sat on this type of throne next to Hades, made from ebony and precious metals
What is a black throne
When Demeter learned Persephone ate pomegranate seeds, she caused this to happen
What is the first winter? (or the dying of crops)
Hades rode up from the Underworld in this black chariot pulled by immortal horses
What is his golden chariot? (or divine chariot)
400: Zeus finally acted when this goddess, his sister, threatened to keep the Earth barren
Who is Demeter?
This king of the gods gave Hades permission to take Persephone as his bride
Who is Zeus?
Zeus sent this messenger god to make Hades return Persephone
Who is Hermes?
Because of Demeter's grief, Zeus made this final deal about Persephone's time between worlds
What is splitting the year between Earth and the Underworld?
1This god fell in love with Persephone
Who is Hades?
Zeus made the final judgment that Persephone must split her time between these two places
What is Earth and the Underworld?