Rhetorical Devices
Persuasive Appeals
Rhetorical Devices #2

3 rhetorical devices are...

What are Parallel Structure, Figurative Langauge, Loaded Words, Ancedotes, Allusions, Repetition, Rhetorical Question


Using logic (facts, data, statistics) is an example.

What is an example of logos?


"...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863

What is parallel structure?


Hostile vs Welcoming are examples.

What are examples of loaded words?


Figurative language is...

What is using a metaphor, simile, personificaiton, onomatopeia, alliteration/assonance, or hyperbole?


Using loaded words to emotionally sway an audience is an example. 

What is an example of pathos?


Don't give me lies, give me the truth!

What are loaded words and ethos?


Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country is an example.

What is an example of parallel structure?


Loaded words are...

What are words with strong positive or negative connotations that move an audience emotionally?


Stealing is having lack of respect for other people's property.

What is an example of ethos?


When is the last time you went without food, water, or shelter?

What is rhetorical question?


If you make that choice, you're opening pandora's box. You're Achiles heal is your inability to be honest with yourself. These are examples of...

What are allusions?


Parallel Structure is...

What is a repeated phrase 3x to emphasise a point?


40% of the rainforest is destroyed each year and by 2075 it will no longer exist.

What is logos?


I am so tired that I will sleep for a year when I finally go to bed.

What is hyperbole?


What is the meaning of life? is an example.

What is an example of a rhetorical question?


Allusion is...

What is the reference to a famous person, place, thing, or idea that everyone knows and creates an understanding.

Examples: If you make that choice, you're opening pandora's box. You're Achiles heal is your inability to be honest with yourself.


 A teenager trying to convince their parent/guardian to buy them a new car by saying if they care about their safety they will upgrade him.

What is pathos?


Why might we want to provide shelter to the poor? We need to provide shelter to the poor so they can begin to regain their lives, regain their self respect, regain their hope.

What is rhetorical question, parallel structure, loded words, with ethos and pathos.


I have a dream that one day our nation will...I have a dream that our youth will rise up and...I have a dream that we will be a unified whole when... is an example of...

What is an example of repetition?