Find Evidence
Concluding Sentences
Topic Sentences

Think of one evidence point for this statement:

High school should have no homework

Example answer:

Homework stresses students out.


Write a concluding sentence for a paragraph with this topic:

We should have pizza for lunch every day.

Example answer:

That's why pizza is the best food to eat for lunch every day.


Suggest an opposite side argument for this statement:

Penguins would make better pets than dogs or cats. 

Example answer:

Some might say that cats are quieter and cleaner.


Write a topic sentence for these three pieces of evidence:

- Wearing pajamas would make us comfortable and ready to learn at school.

- If we wear pajamas, we won't be cold in the classroom.

- Wearing pajamas to school would be more fun!

Example answer:

We should all wear pajamas to school because it would be comfortable.


Think of one evidence point for this statement:

Wonhago is the best school.

Example answer:

Wonhago has great teachers.


Write a concluding sentence for a paragraph with this topic:

Students should have to teach class one a month.

Example answer:

In conclusion, this is why having class taught by students once a month would be a good idea.


Suggest an opposite side argument for this statement:

All books should have pictures in them.

Example answer:

It is argued that some books don't need pictures because we can use our imagination.


Write a topic sentence for these three pieces of evidence:

- Free coffee at school would help students stay awake.

- Students will concentrate better since they are awake.

- Students will enjoy drinking the free coffee.

Example answer:

Schools should give out free coffee to help students participate better.


Think of one evidence point for this statement:

We can help with climate change in many ways.

Example answer:

We can recycle our trash.


Write a concluding sentence for a paragraph with this topic:

High school should have snack breaks every 30 minutes.

Example answer:

All in all, having snack breaks every 30 minutes would make happier students and a better learning environment.


Suggest an opposite side argument for this statement:

Everyone should have a personal robot to do their chores.

Example answer:

Some people argue that having a personal robot will make people lazy.


Write a topic sentence for these three pieces of evidence:

- Teenagers and children would be great presidents because they have creative ideas.

- These young people better understand children's issues compared to adults.

- People under eighteen have to follow laws, so why can't they make them?

Example answer:

People under eighteen should be able to become president.


Think of one evidence point for this statement:

Friendship is more important than dating.

Example answer:

Friendships could last longer than a dating relationship.


Write a concluding sentence for a paragraph with this topic:

Humans should communicate only through dance moves.

Example answer:

In short, this is why communicating only with dance moves would make life more fun. Why don't you try it?


Suggest an opposite side argument for this statement:

We should have a PE class that trains for esports.

Example answer:

Some might say that training for esports doesn't allow much physical activity.


Write a topic sentence for these three pieces of evidence:

- Replacing sidewalks with roller coasters would make everything faster.

- People will enjoy being outside because it is fun!

- No one will be tired from walking since they can just ride the roller coasters!

Example answer:

We should have roller coasters instead of sidewalks.


Think of one evidence point for this statement:

Korean food is better than Western food.

Example answer:

Korean food is very healthy and includes lots of vegetables.


Write a concluding sentence for a paragraph with this topic:

We should always eat dessert before our meals.

Example answer:

Overall, eating dessert first instead of last would be more enjoyable for everyone.


Suggest an opposite side argument for this statement:

Time travel exists, but it’s being hidden by the government. 

Example answer:

On the other hand, if time travel was real, someone would have talked about it on the internet before.


Write a topic sentence for these three pieces of evidence:

- There are so many flavors of ice cream, so we can have a different dinner every day.

- Ice cream tastes best at night, around dinnertime.

- Ice cream can also be healthy and nutritious.

Example answer:

We should all eat ice cream for dinner.