A teenager tries to convince his parents to buy him a new car by saying if they cared about their child's safety they'd upgrade him.
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
When you are arguing what something is worth. Examples could be monetary worth, usable worth, or emotional worth.
Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy?
Proposition of Value
If you're shopping for a smartphone, go with the iPhone 13. It's the best-selling phone right now; the numbers don't lie.
Bandwagon, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Faulty Cause-Effect, or False Dilemma?
Swimming, water park, going on vacation, water balloons, trampoline, playing outside, no school, snowcones, going to the beach...
How many bones do adult humans have?
A boyfriend begs his girlfriend to stay with him, claiming "If you really love me, you'll give me time to change my ways."
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Smoking should be banned in public places.
Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy?
Proposition of Policy
Claiming that playing video games causes violent behavior.
Bandwagon, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Faulty Cause-Effect, or False Dilemma?
Faulty Cause-Effect
What day is Independence Day during the summer?
July 4th
Who is the first president of the United States?
George Washington
If my years as a Marine taught me anything, it's that caution is the best policy in this sort of situation.
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
The government is withholding information on UFOs.
Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy?
Proposition of Fact
America: Love it or leave it.
Bandwagon, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Faulty Cause-Effect, or False Dilemma?
False Dilemma
Which flower is often associated with summer and is known for its vibrant color?
Which war was fought between the North and the South in the United States?
Civil War
It's a matter of common sense that people deserve to be treated equally. The Constitution calls it “self-evident.” Why, then, should I have been denied a seat because of my disability?
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
News sources that make mistakes should be required to pay money to those that were affected.
Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy?
Proposition of Policy
“It's hard to take your claims seriously because you spend your days playing video games.”
Bandwagon, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Faulty Cause-Effect, or False Dilemma?
Ad Hominem
What is the term for a large, powerful tropical storm with heavy rain and strong winds that are common in the summer?
Which artist painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo de Vinci
If my age doesn't convince you that I know what I'm talking about, at least consider that I am your grandfather and I only want the best for you.
Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?
Harrison Ford is the greatest actor ever.
Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy?
Proposition of Value
A parent tells their child they can't see their friends tonight and the child responds, “Why do you hate me?”
Bandwagon, Straw Man, Ad Hominem, Faulty Cause-Effect, or False Dilemma?
Straw Man
What is the official start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere?
May 30th, June 1st, June 15th, June 21st, or July 1st?
June 21st
What 2019 movie is the 2nd highest-grossing film?
Avengers: Endgame
Spiderman: Far From Home
Avengers: Engame