____________ milk is to be offered to children 9-24 months of age
What is:
Meal that must include choices for all food groups
What is:
Serving a hot meal for lunch is a ministry requirement
Tue or False
What is:
(A) processed cheese slices
(B) vegetable chips/straws/sticks
(C) fruit chips
(D) fat free yogurt
(E) Deli meats
What is:
Food items on the "do not serve" list
1/4 - 1 slice is considered a serving size of what?
What is:
After how many hours of care is it a requirement to provide a child with 2 snacks and a lunch
What is:
6 hours
How often should you offer a fish or egg entree
What is:
At least once a week
Food or drink items brought into the child care kitchen from a child's home must contain:
What is:
Child's name
Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
Green Peppers
What is:
Examples of Dark Green Vegetables
What is the serving size of fresh fruit?
What is:
1/4 - 1 piece of fruit
Name the food groups that are recognized by Canada's Food guide 2024
What is:
Vegetables & Fruit, Whole Grain Foods & Protein Foods
*Moroccan chickpeas
*grilled or baked tofu
*black bean tacos
*lentil curry
*pasta sauce with lentils
What is:
Examples of Plant based menu items
(A) is posted in each cooking and serving area
(B) is posted in every play area or play room and
(C) is available and accessible in any other area in which children may be present
What is:
Allergy & Food Restriction List
A sticky natural substance that cannot be served to children under the age of one
What is:
1 - 1 1/2 cups of cold cereal is the recommended serving size
True or False?
What is:
It is recommended 1/4 to 1 cup of cold cereal
What item does NOT belong in the "Serve" catergory:
(A) frozen fruits with no sugar added
(B) unsweetened apple sauce or fruit purees
(C) canned fruit in juice, drained
(D) canned fruit containing artificial sweeteners labeled "canned in water"
(E) canned fruit in syrup, drained
What is:
(D) canned fruit containing artificial sweeteners labeled "canned in water".
Provide meals or snacks every ___ hours
What is:
Which is not a ministry regulation for menus:
(A) the current week's menu and the following week's menu must be posted in a conspicuous place
(B) a menu must be kept for 30 days after the last day it was applicable
(C) every snack must incorporate 3 of Canada's Food guide food groups
What is:
(C) every snack must incorporate 3 of Canada's Food guide food groups
*The first ingredient is whole grain, whole wheat or bran
*product does not contain any "Do not serve" ingredients
*sugar is less than or equal to 10%DV
What is:
Requirements of Grain products I can serve anytime
What is the recommended serving size for yogurt & hot cereal?
(Hint: same amount)
What is:
1/4 - 3/4 cup
What is the recommended measurement you can serve a child for the following:
*condiments (ketchup, relish, mustard)
*gravies, sauces
*dips (salad dressings, sour cream, spinach dip)
*toppings and extras (coconut, parmesan cheese)
What is:
1 tsp to 1 tbsp
Allergens that must always be declared on food product packaging
(hint: there are 10)
What is:
Egg, milk, peanuts, seafood, sesame seeds, soy, tree nuts, wheat, mustard, added sulphites
When is it not required to parent provide written instructions for food items that are brought into the centre from a child
What is:
When the child is 44 months or older and they bring in their "brown bag lunch"
* full grapes
* whole cherry tomatoes
*spreads on slippery surfaced foods
*fruits with pits
What is:
Choking hazards for children under 4 years of age
An average grown man's appetite is equivalent to a child in which age group in child care?
What is: